Hi folks,
Nice signals on AO-51 this evening's two passes, and one pass last night. Finally had some activity on the bird tonight. Thanks to K7WIN, WA6FWF for the chats, and N8BBQ for the really quick contact before we lost it.
I've confirmed that the 18T helix that I created a while back is working fine, at least as good as the temporary quagi I used back on Field Day. You don't need a whole lot of power or antenna to work this mode. in fact, I was able to work down to about 4.5 degrees before losing contact, as the satellite set in the only direction that I don't have a wall of trees to shoot through. Trees aren't as bad on 23 cm as they are on 13cm, but they are definitely a factor.
I'll try to be on again tomorrow evening, depending on other obligations.
Greg KO6TH
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Greg D.