John --
CUTE 1.7+APD has been transmitting a continuous unmodulated carrier on 437.385MHz since 07May06. The spacecraft is not responding to ground station commands. Its power budget will allow this condition to continue indefinitely.
Information about operational CubeSats is available via http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/CubeSat.htm.
TNX es 73 de Ralph Wallio, WØRPK W0RPK@netINS.net http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/ Hubbert's Peak - The Mother of all Perfect Storms
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 22:52:42 +0100 From: "john heath" <> Subject: [amsat-bb] Status of Cute 1.7 ? To: "amsat" <>
listened for Cute 1.7 on the 21:30 pass in range IO92 Just a strong carrier on the expected frequency. Lots of Doppler shift. Signal dissapeared at the predicted LOS.
Is cute 1.7 in trouble?
73 John G7HIA
participants (1)
Ralph Wallio, W0RPK