Upcoming ARISS contact for Northern Virginia Schools Group - Woodbridge, VA

AnInternational Space Station school contact has been planned withparticipants at NorthernVirginia Schools Group, Woodbridge VA on30 April. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 13:35 UTC.It is recommended that you start listening approximately 10 minutesbefore this time. The duration of the contact is approximately 9minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a Multi-Point Telebridgebetween NA1SS and AB1OC. Amulti-point telebridge contact means that each student will be on thetelebridge from their own home. Thecontact should be audible over the state of New Hampshire andadjacent areas. U.S. Interested parties are invited to listen in onthe 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted inEnglish. Watchfor live stream at: https://youtu.be/Cu8I9ose4Vo
Weare students from Northern Virginia. We are ages 5-10 years old andwe are in K-5th grade, in Woodbridge VA, just outside of DC. Ourschool year was ended on March 13th and we have been home learningmany things using distance learning methods. We have been learninghow to get along in small spaces with little contact with the rest ofour community. We are learning quickly how it must feel to be on theISS!
Participantswill ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1.What does the sun look like from outer space?
2.How comfortable is it to sleep in space?
3.What is one thing you want to eat when you get back to earth?
4.I've heard that stars are red, yellow and blue. Can you see thosecolors in space when you look at the stars?
5.Besides your family, what do you miss most while being in space?
6.What are your thoughts on our Covid-19 situation right now? Does theEarth look differently over the last 3
monthsnow that many people are inside and not creating pollution?
7.How often do you get to go out of the ISS? Have you been on anyspace walks?
8.Who makes the rocket that takes you to the ISS?
9.What does it feel like to float all the time?
10.Do you use flashlights on space walks?
11.How do you exercise in space?
12.How do you get out for space walks safely without the air from theISS coming out into space? How does it
feelto walk in space?
13.What do you wear in the space station?
14.How did it feel when you first got to space?
15.How is space different from Earth?
16.What do you study in school to become an astronaut?
17.What do you like the most about being in space?
18.Were you nervous when you launched into space?
19.How do you communicate with loved ones while you are in space?
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Nextplanned event(s):
AmateurRadio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperativeventure of international amateur radio societies and the spaceagencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In theUnited States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation(AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the ISS National Laband National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The primarygoal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology,engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduledcontacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS andstudents in classrooms or public forms. Before and during these radiocontacts, students, educators, parents, and communities learn aboutspace, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information,see www.ariss.org.
Thankyou & 73, David – AA4KN
participants (1)
David Jordan