Hi Kevin,
Yes, I was going hot and heavy back then, along with fellow members of NJDXA, all of us trying to work Satellite DXCC. Indeed, the whole idea of Satellite DXCC originated with Hayden Evans, K2BZT (SK), our club's man on the ARRL DXAC and in his professional life Director of Satellite Communications at Bell Labs. Unfortunately, Hayden passed away before he could get his SDXCC.
If anyone actually worked DXCC on RS-12/13, it probably would have been Pat, G3IOR. As you said, Pat already had Satellite DXCC and was notoriously lax about collecting QSL cards. I know he was quite active on RS-12/13, but don't know for a fact how many he worked.
As regular readers of AMSAT-BB know, we're going to get another Mode K satellite (15 up, 10 down), courtesy of Bob Bruninga's team at USNA. Maybe more DXCCs will be earned!
73 Ray W2RS
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