XE2AT from DL42/DL43 line on SO-50 tonight, 0100 UTC

After working from the DL52/DL53 line on the south end of the Baja California peninsula this morning, Alvaro XE2AT plans to work the 0100 UTC SO-50 pass tonight (5pm Pacific time) from the DL42/DL43 grid boundary. This is northwest of Cabo San Lucas, near the southern tip of the peninsula. SO-50 will be over the eastern Pacific Ocean during this pass, meaning the footprint won't make it all the way to the Mississippi River.
DL43 has been on the satellites in past years, thanks to Bernardo XE2HWB (worked satellites in the past, also active in VHF/UHF/microwave contests from up and down the Baja California peninsula), but not recently. DL42 is almost entirely wet, except for the small bit of land in the northeast corner of the grid - similar to grid CM86 at Santa Cruz in northern California.
XE2AT mentioned earlier this morning that he plans to use LOTW to confirm these contacts, along with the contacts he made earlier this morning. He's also good at answering QSL requests mailed to his PO box in Aguascalientes, although the Mexican postal system is not the most reliable.
Good luck, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK
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