We desperately need some AMSAT OSCAR class stations in the Central USA to complete the RAFT radar fence test ASAP.
Deorbit is in the next two weeks, much earlier than previous predictions, and so we will not get another comfortable evening pass window. Prime passes now are occurring around 4 AM and moving earlier (sorry). Before, we asked for Southern USA. Now we realize that someone in most central states have command potential. Anyone within about 1000 miles E/W of North Texas or 600 miles north and south are ideal!
Station requirements: 1) OSCAR class tracking 2m beam for up/downlink 145.825 2) Standard AX.25 1200 baud packet 3) Simple HYPERTERM text commanding 4) Familiarity with TNC's and TNC commanding 5) Prepared to record 1 minute of audio heard on downlink
Unfortunately I am going to Dayton this weekend, but we have to really be ready for this next week and get this test done. None of the principals involved in this design can do it because we all live too far away from the 216.98 MHz RADAR fence transmitter in North Texas.
See WEB: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:23 PM Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We only have 7 days left in this operating period and really do need a good OSCAR station in the Southern USA in a line from AZ to GA to conduct this test of RAFT flying through the 80 megawatt radar transmitter beam originated in north Texas.
There is only one viable pass per day per command station location in the early evening.... The trick is to command the satellite to turn on its downlink carrier and Radar receiver exactly 30 seconds prior to passing through the fence and then having an audio recorder running to "hear" (record) the tone when we pass through the radar beam.
Commands are a simple CONNECT XXXX at the cmd: propt, then an exchange of passwords, and then sending a simple typed command at the right time.
RAFT can he HEARD just fine on ALL FIVE passes leading up to this last pass per day, so you can test your RECEIVE capability on any pass, but can only command in the dark (due to overcharging on batteries makes uplink receier deaf)...
If anyone can conduct this test please let us know. Only one person per pass can attempt this, so we want the best gun at the stick. Fully conversent at the TNC "cmd:" prompt and preerably with experimence with the KPC3+ remote-sysop command mode.
Bob, WB4APR USNA Satelite Lab
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:32 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We need AMSAT operator help with the RAFT satellite Test. We need somone with a 2m beam and familiarity with packet that lives in the Southern USA from Arizona to Georgia (AZ, NM, TX, OK, MS, ALA, GA).
RAFT is past its mission life time half-way point, and we have not been able to find anyone in the above footprint to help us conduct the primary mission which was for the satellite to detect its own passing through the DOD's radar fence. When it flies through the North American Space-Object fan beam, we should hear about 1 second tone that anyone can hear on the downlink.
Due to its low orbit and small footprint, turning on the Radar Transponder can only be done in the shared footprint between the radar transmitter in North Texas and the command station. The ideal command station has these atributes:
- Lives in AZ, NM, TX, OK, AK, LA, MS, AL, GA, W.FLA
- A reasonable 2m beam for ops on 145.825
- A packet TNC
- Familiar with dumb-terminal TNC operations such as
A. Connections, Converse, UNPROTO, etc B. Remote sysop logon to a Kantronics TNC
The objective of these southern command stations is to logon, send the command to activate the RAFT Radar receiver for 1 minute in anticipation of passing through the fence. Then hopefully recording any audio heard on the downlink (145.825). Of course, once the radar receiver is on, everyone in the footprint should be able to hear it.
For info, see the ANDE-RAFT operations page: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Several AMSAT hams built this tiny Radar receiver as a possible common device for all future HAMsats, and we would like to get feedback on its performance. But they all live up North. If you have a beam and familiarity with TNC's please let us know.
Bob, WB4APR. US Naval Academy Satellite Lab

* We still URGENTLY need a command station in the * Southern USA From Arizona to Georgia, or from Texas * to 40 deg or so N.LAT to command RAFT.
See Map: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/craft/save-raft.html
Reentry is in 8 days and we still need to perform this Radar Fence test. Passes are uncomfortably between 2 and 4 AM. I am preparing a web page as fast as I can so that I don't have to answer as many emails. Here is the WEB page (work in progress). But at least it now has a MAP of where stations can be.
If you have a good 2m beam station with preamp and are in the footprint as shown above, then check the web page later this evening as the web page develops and start getting ready if you think you can do it. We really need an all hands effort here.
Thanks Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
Desparately needed
We desperately need some AMSAT OSCAR class stations in the Central USA to complete the RAFT radar fence test ASAP.
Deorbit is in the next two weeks, much earlier than previous predictions, and so we will not get another comfortable
pass window. Prime passes now are occurring around 4 AM and moving earlier (sorry). Before, we asked for Southern USA.
we realize that someone in most central states have command potential. Anyone within about 1000 miles E/W of North Texas
600 miles north and south are ideal!
Station requirements:
- OSCAR class tracking 2m beam for up/downlink 145.825
- Standard AX.25 1200 baud packet
- Simple HYPERTERM text commanding
- Familiarity with TNC's and TNC commanding
- Prepared to record 1 minute of audio heard on downlink
Unfortunately I am going to Dayton this weekend, but we have
really be ready for this next week and get this test done.
of the principals involved in this design can do it because we all live too far away from the 216.98 MHz RADAR fence transmitter in North Texas.
See WEB: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:23 PM Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We only have 7 days left in this operating period and really
need a good OSCAR station in the Southern USA in a line from
to GA to conduct this test of RAFT flying through the 80 megawatt radar transmitter beam originated in north Texas.
There is only one viable pass per day per command station location in the early evening.... The trick is to command the satellite to turn on its downlink carrier and Radar receiver exactly 30 seconds prior to passing through the fence and then having an audio recorder running to "hear" (record) the tone when we pass through the radar beam.
Commands are a simple CONNECT XXXX at the cmd: propt, then an exchange of passwords, and then sending a simple typed command at the right time.
RAFT can he HEARD just fine on ALL FIVE passes leading up to this last pass per day, so you can test your RECEIVE
on any pass, but can only command in the dark (due to overcharging on batteries makes uplink receier deaf)...
If anyone can conduct this test please let us know. Only one person per pass can attempt this, so we want the best gun at
stick. Fully conversent at the TNC "cmd:" prompt and
with experimence with the KPC3+ remote-sysop command mode.
Bob, WB4APR USNA Satelite Lab
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:32 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We need AMSAT operator help with the RAFT satellite Test. We need somone with a 2m beam and familiarity with packet that lives in the Southern USA from Arizona to Georgia (AZ, NM, TX, OK, MS, ALA, GA).
RAFT is past its mission life time half-way point, and we have not been able to find anyone in the above footprint to help us conduct the primary mission which was for the satellite to detect its own passing through the DOD's radar fence. When it flies through the North American Space-Object fan beam, we should hear about 1 second tone that anyone can hear on the downlink.
Due to its low orbit and small footprint, turning on the Radar Transponder can only be done in the shared footprint between the radar transmitter in North Texas and the command station. The ideal command station has these atributes:
- Lives in AZ, NM, TX, OK, AK, LA, MS, AL, GA, W.FLA
- A reasonable 2m beam for ops on 145.825
- A packet TNC
- Familiar with dumb-terminal TNC operations such as
A. Connections, Converse, UNPROTO, etc B. Remote sysop logon to a Kantronics TNC
The objective of these southern command stations is to logon, send the command to activate the RAFT Radar receiver for 1 minute in anticipation of passing through the fence. Then hopefully recording any audio heard on the downlink (145.825). Of course, once the radar receiver is on, everyone in the footprint should be able to hear it.
For info, see the ANDE-RAFT operations page: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Several AMSAT hams built this tiny Radar receiver as a possible common device for all future HAMsats, and we would like to get feedback on its performance. But they all live up North. If you have a beam and familiarity with TNC's please let us know.
Bob, WB4APR. US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

Tonights two RAFT Radar passes are: The first is over Alabama at 05:40:50 UTC That is 01:40 AM EDT and 00:40 AM CDT (just after midnight)
The second Radar penetration is over New Mexico At 07:09:35 UTC or 02:09 AM CDT and 01:09 MDT
The web page now has a sign up post for commanders and monitoring stations. But it is manual, so send me an email of you can do this. And read the page in detail. Just check to see if you have a better than 10 degree shot at RAFT in the minute prior to that instant. Use LATEST keps, since drag is HIGH on re-entry. Thanks, Bob, WB4APR
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:32 PM
- We still URGENTLY need a command station in the
- Southern USA From Arizona to Georgia, or from Texas
- to 40 deg or so N.LAT to command RAFT.
See Map: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/craft/save-raft.html
Reentry is in 8 days and we still need to perform this Radar Fence test. Passes are uncomfortably between 2 and 4 AM. I
preparing a web page as fast as I can so that I don't have to answer as many emails. Here is the WEB page (work in
But at least it now has a MAP of where stations can be.
If you have a good 2m beam station with preamp and are in the footprint as shown above, then check the web page later this evening as the web page develops and start getting ready if
think you can do it. We really need an all hands effort here.
Thanks Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
Desparately needed
We desperately need some AMSAT OSCAR class stations in the Central USA to complete the RAFT radar fence test ASAP.
Deorbit is in the next two weeks, much earlier than previous predictions, and so we will not get another comfortable
pass window. Prime passes now are occurring around 4 AM and moving earlier (sorry). Before, we asked for Southern USA.
we realize that someone in most central states have command potential. Anyone within about 1000 miles E/W of North
600 miles north and south are ideal!
Station requirements:
- OSCAR class tracking 2m beam for up/downlink 145.825
- Standard AX.25 1200 baud packet
- Simple HYPERTERM text commanding
- Familiarity with TNC's and TNC commanding
- Prepared to record 1 minute of audio heard on downlink
Unfortunately I am going to Dayton this weekend, but we have
really be ready for this next week and get this test done.
of the principals involved in this design can do it because
all live too far away from the 216.98 MHz RADAR fence transmitter in North Texas.
See WEB:
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:23 PM Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
We only have 7 days left in this operating period and really
need a good OSCAR station in the Southern USA in a line from
to GA to conduct this test of RAFT flying through the 80 megawatt radar transmitter beam originated in north Texas.
There is only one viable pass per day per command station location in the early evening.... The trick is to command
satellite to turn on its downlink carrier and Radar receiver exactly 30 seconds prior to passing through the fence and then having an audio recorder running
"hear" (record) the tone when we pass through the radar
Commands are a simple CONNECT XXXX at the cmd: propt, then
exchange of passwords, and then sending a simple typed
at the right time.
RAFT can he HEARD just fine on ALL FIVE passes leading up to this last pass per day, so you can test your RECEIVE
on any pass, but can only command in the dark (due to overcharging on batteries makes uplink receier deaf)...
If anyone can conduct this test please let us know. Only
person per pass can attempt this, so we want the best gun at
stick. Fully conversent at the TNC "cmd:" prompt and
with experimence with the KPC3+ remote-sysop command mode.
Bob, WB4APR USNA Satelite Lab
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:32 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We need AMSAT operator help with the RAFT satellite Test. We need somone with a 2m beam and familiarity with packet that lives in the Southern USA from Arizona to Georgia (AZ, NM, TX, OK, MS, ALA, GA).
RAFT is past its mission life time half-way point, and we have not been able to find anyone in the above footprint to help us conduct the primary mission which was for the satellite to detect its own passing through the DOD's radar fence. When it flies through the North American Space-Object fan beam, we should hear about 1 second tone that anyone can hear on the
Due to its low orbit and small footprint, turning on the Radar Transponder can only be done in the shared footprint between the radar transmitter in North Texas and the command station. The ideal command station has these atributes:
- Lives in AZ, NM, TX, OK, AK, LA, MS, AL, GA, W.FLA
- A reasonable 2m beam for ops on 145.825
- A packet TNC
- Familiar with dumb-terminal TNC operations such as
A. Connections, Converse, UNPROTO, etc B. Remote sysop logon to a Kantronics TNC
The objective of these southern command stations is to logon, send the command to activate the RAFT Radar receiver for 1 minute in anticipation of passing through the fence. Then hopefully recording any audio heard on the downlink (145.825). Of course, once the radar receiver is on, everyone in the footprint should be able to hear it.
For info, see the ANDE-RAFT operations page: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Several AMSAT hams built this tiny Radar receiver as a possible common device for all future HAMsats, and we would like to get feedback on its performance. But they all live up North. If you have a beam and familiarity with TNC's please let us know.
Bob, WB4APR. US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of
the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

RAFT 1 29661U 06055C 07143.55030918 .00600829 11828-4 32586-3 0 2883 2 29661 051.6350 212.9694 0011732 341.8186 018.2763 16.18884346 24488
On 5/23/07, Robert Bruninga [email protected] wrote:
Tonights two RAFT Radar passes are: The first is over Alabama at 05:40:50 UTC That is 01:40 AM EDT and 00:40 AM CDT (just after midnight)
The second Radar penetration is over New Mexico At 07:09:35 UTC or 02:09 AM CDT and 01:09 MDT
The web page now has a sign up post for commanders and monitoring stations. But it is manual, so send me an email of you can do this. And read the page in detail. Just check to see if you have a better than 10 degree shot at RAFT in the minute prior to that instant. Use LATEST keps, since drag is HIGH on re-entry. Thanks, Bob, WB4APR
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:32 PM
- We still URGENTLY need a command station in the
- Southern USA From Arizona to Georgia, or from Texas
- to 40 deg or so N.LAT to command RAFT.
See Map: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/craft/save-raft.html
Reentry is in 8 days and we still need to perform this Radar Fence test. Passes are uncomfortably between 2 and 4 AM. I
preparing a web page as fast as I can so that I don't have to answer as many emails. Here is the WEB page (work in
But at least it now has a MAP of where stations can be.
If you have a good 2m beam station with preamp and are in the footprint as shown above, then check the web page later this evening as the web page develops and start getting ready if
think you can do it. We really need an all hands effort here.
Thanks Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
Desparately needed
We desperately need some AMSAT OSCAR class stations in the Central USA to complete the RAFT radar fence test ASAP.
Deorbit is in the next two weeks, much earlier than previous predictions, and so we will not get another comfortable
pass window. Prime passes now are occurring around 4 AM and moving earlier (sorry). Before, we asked for Southern USA.
we realize that someone in most central states have command potential. Anyone within about 1000 miles E/W of North
600 miles north and south are ideal!
Station requirements:
- OSCAR class tracking 2m beam for up/downlink 145.825
- Standard AX.25 1200 baud packet
- Simple HYPERTERM text commanding
- Familiarity with TNC's and TNC commanding
- Prepared to record 1 minute of audio heard on downlink
Unfortunately I am going to Dayton this weekend, but we have
really be ready for this next week and get this test done.
of the principals involved in this design can do it because
all live too far away from the 216.98 MHz RADAR fence transmitter in North Texas.
See WEB:
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:23 PM Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
We only have 7 days left in this operating period and really
need a good OSCAR station in the Southern USA in a line from
to GA to conduct this test of RAFT flying through the 80 megawatt radar transmitter beam originated in north Texas.
There is only one viable pass per day per command station location in the early evening.... The trick is to command
satellite to turn on its downlink carrier and Radar receiver exactly 30 seconds prior to passing through the fence and then having an audio recorder running
"hear" (record) the tone when we pass through the radar
Commands are a simple CONNECT XXXX at the cmd: propt, then
exchange of passwords, and then sending a simple typed
at the right time.
RAFT can he HEARD just fine on ALL FIVE passes leading up to this last pass per day, so you can test your RECEIVE
on any pass, but can only command in the dark (due to overcharging on batteries makes uplink receier deaf)...
If anyone can conduct this test please let us know. Only
person per pass can attempt this, so we want the best gun at
stick. Fully conversent at the TNC "cmd:" prompt and
with experimence with the KPC3+ remote-sysop command mode.
Bob, WB4APR USNA Satelite Lab
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:32 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We need AMSAT operator help with the RAFT satellite Test. We need somone with a 2m beam and familiarity with packet that lives in the Southern USA from Arizona to Georgia (AZ, NM, TX, OK, MS, ALA, GA).
RAFT is past its mission life time half-way point, and we have not been able to find anyone in the above footprint to help us conduct the primary mission which was for the satellite to detect its own passing through the DOD's radar fence. When it flies through the North American Space-Object fan beam, we should hear about 1 second tone that anyone can hear on the
Due to its low orbit and small footprint, turning on the Radar Transponder can only be done in the shared footprint between the radar transmitter in North Texas and the command station. The ideal command station has these atributes:
- Lives in AZ, NM, TX, OK, AK, LA, MS, AL, GA, W.FLA
- A reasonable 2m beam for ops on 145.825
- A packet TNC
- Familiar with dumb-terminal TNC operations such as
A. Connections, Converse, UNPROTO, etc B. Remote sysop logon to a Kantronics TNC
The objective of these southern command stations is to logon, send the command to activate the RAFT Radar receiver for 1 minute in anticipation of passing through the fence. Then hopefully recording any audio heard on the downlink (145.825). Of course, once the radar receiver is on, everyone in the footprint should be able to hear it.
For info, see the ANDE-RAFT operations page: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Several AMSAT hams built this tiny Radar receiver as a possible common device for all future HAMsats, and we would like to get feedback on its performance. But they all live up North. If you have a beam and familiarity with TNC's please let us know.
Bob, WB4APR. US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of
the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Hi Bob I saw you at Dayton but you had too many people around you. I will try to activate raft at 0500 to night
nick ----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Bruninga" [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:35 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: RAFT Commanding URGENTLY needed
Tonights two RAFT Radar passes are: The first is over Alabama at 05:40:50 UTC That is 01:40 AM EDT and 00:40 AM CDT (just after midnight)
The second Radar penetration is over New Mexico At 07:09:35 UTC or 02:09 AM CDT and 01:09 MDT
The web page now has a sign up post for commanders and monitoring stations. But it is manual, so send me an email of you can do this. And read the page in detail. Just check to see if you have a better than 10 degree shot at RAFT in the minute prior to that instant. Use LATEST keps, since drag is HIGH on re-entry. Thanks, Bob, WB4APR
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:32 PM
- We still URGENTLY need a command station in the
- Southern USA From Arizona to Georgia, or from Texas
- to 40 deg or so N.LAT to command RAFT.
See Map: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/craft/save-raft.html
Reentry is in 8 days and we still need to perform this Radar Fence test. Passes are uncomfortably between 2 and 4 AM. I
preparing a web page as fast as I can so that I don't have to answer as many emails. Here is the WEB page (work in
But at least it now has a MAP of where stations can be.
If you have a good 2m beam station with preamp and are in the footprint as shown above, then check the web page later this evening as the web page develops and start getting ready if
think you can do it. We really need an all hands effort here.
Thanks Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
Desparately needed
We desperately need some AMSAT OSCAR class stations in the Central USA to complete the RAFT radar fence test ASAP.
Deorbit is in the next two weeks, much earlier than previous predictions, and so we will not get another comfortable
pass window. Prime passes now are occurring around 4 AM and moving earlier (sorry). Before, we asked for Southern USA.
we realize that someone in most central states have command potential. Anyone within about 1000 miles E/W of North
600 miles north and south are ideal!
Station requirements:
- OSCAR class tracking 2m beam for up/downlink 145.825
- Standard AX.25 1200 baud packet
- Simple HYPERTERM text commanding
- Familiarity with TNC's and TNC commanding
- Prepared to record 1 minute of audio heard on downlink
Unfortunately I am going to Dayton this weekend, but we have
really be ready for this next week and get this test done.
of the principals involved in this design can do it because
all live too far away from the 216.98 MHz RADAR fence transmitter in North Texas.
See WEB:
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:23 PM Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
We only have 7 days left in this operating period and really
need a good OSCAR station in the Southern USA in a line from
to GA to conduct this test of RAFT flying through the 80 megawatt radar transmitter beam originated in north Texas.
There is only one viable pass per day per command station location in the early evening.... The trick is to command
satellite to turn on its downlink carrier and Radar receiver exactly 30 seconds prior to passing through the fence and then having an audio recorder running
"hear" (record) the tone when we pass through the radar
Commands are a simple CONNECT XXXX at the cmd: propt, then
exchange of passwords, and then sending a simple typed
at the right time.
RAFT can he HEARD just fine on ALL FIVE passes leading up to this last pass per day, so you can test your RECEIVE
on any pass, but can only command in the dark (due to overcharging on batteries makes uplink receier deaf)...
If anyone can conduct this test please let us know. Only
person per pass can attempt this, so we want the best gun at
stick. Fully conversent at the TNC "cmd:" prompt and
with experimence with the KPC3+ remote-sysop command mode.
Bob, WB4APR USNA Satelite Lab
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:32 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance needed
We need AMSAT operator help with the RAFT satellite Test. We need somone with a 2m beam and familiarity with packet that lives in the Southern USA from Arizona to Georgia (AZ, NM, TX, OK, MS, ALA, GA).
RAFT is past its mission life time half-way point, and we have not been able to find anyone in the above footprint to help us conduct the primary mission which was for the satellite to detect its own passing through the DOD's radar fence. When it flies through the North American Space-Object fan beam, we should hear about 1 second tone that anyone can hear on the
Due to its low orbit and small footprint, turning on the Radar Transponder can only be done in the shared footprint between the radar transmitter in North Texas and the command station. The ideal command station has these atributes:
- Lives in AZ, NM, TX, OK, AK, LA, MS, AL, GA, W.FLA
- A reasonable 2m beam for ops on 145.825
- A packet TNC
- Familiar with dumb-terminal TNC operations such as
A. Connections, Converse, UNPROTO, etc B. Remote sysop logon to a Kantronics TNC
The objective of these southern command stations is to logon, send the command to activate the RAFT Radar receiver for 1 minute in anticipation of passing through the fence. Then hopefully recording any audio heard on the downlink (145.825). Of course, once the radar receiver is on, everyone in the footprint should be able to hear it.
For info, see the ANDE-RAFT operations page: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Several AMSAT hams built this tiny Radar receiver as a possible common device for all future HAMsats, and we would like to get feedback on its performance. But they all live up North. If you have a beam and familiarity with TNC's please let us know.
Bob, WB4APR. US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of
the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Nick and Dieter,
I just loaded the latest KEPS set and it is 22 seconds earlier than I posted this afternoon. I am now getting 05:40:28 or so UTC. I hope I am right? If anyone gets a different or better answer, please speak up. My keps are 23 May at 1900z or so...
I think we can plan on it always being slightly earlier than we anticipate since keps are always at least a half day old...
-----Original Message----- From: Nick Pugh [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:36 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: RAFT Commanding URGENTLY needed
Hi Bob I saw you at Dayton but you had too many people around you. I will try to activate raft at 0500 to night
nick ----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Bruninga" [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:35 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: RAFT Commanding URGENTLY needed
Tonights two RAFT Radar passes are: The first is over Alabama at 05:40:50 UTC That is 01:40 AM EDT and 00:40 AM CDT (just after midnight)
The second Radar penetration is over New Mexico At 07:09:35 UTC or 02:09 AM CDT and 01:09 MDT
The web page now has a sign up post for commanders and monitoring stations. But it is manual, so send me an email
you can do this. And read the page in detail. Just check
see if you have a better than 10 degree shot at RAFT in the minute prior to that instant. Use LATEST keps, since drag
HIGH on re-entry. Thanks, Bob, WB4APR
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:32 PM
- We still URGENTLY need a command station in the
- Southern USA From Arizona to Georgia, or from Texas
- to 40 deg or so N.LAT to command RAFT.
See Map: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/craft/save-raft.html
Reentry is in 8 days and we still need to perform this
Fence test. Passes are uncomfortably between 2 and 4 AM.
preparing a web page as fast as I can so that I don't have
answer as many emails. Here is the WEB page (work in
But at least it now has a MAP of where stations can be.
If you have a good 2m beam station with preamp and are in
footprint as shown above, then check the web page later
evening as the web page develops and start getting ready if
think you can do it. We really need an all hands effort
Thanks Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
Desparately needed
We desperately need some AMSAT OSCAR class stations in
Central USA to complete the RAFT radar fence test ASAP.
Deorbit is in the next two weeks, much earlier than
predictions, and so we will not get another comfortable
pass window. Prime passes now are occurring around 4 AM
moving earlier (sorry). Before, we asked for Southern
we realize that someone in most central states have
potential. Anyone within about 1000 miles E/W of North
600 miles north and south are ideal!
Station requirements:
- OSCAR class tracking 2m beam for up/downlink 145.825
- Standard AX.25 1200 baud packet
- Simple HYPERTERM text commanding
- Familiarity with TNC's and TNC commanding
- Prepared to record 1 minute of audio heard on downlink
Unfortunately I am going to Dayton this weekend, but we
really be ready for this next week and get this test
of the principals involved in this design can do it
all live too far away from the 216.98 MHz RADAR fence transmitter in North Texas.
See WEB:
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:23 PM Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
We only have 7 days left in this operating period and
need a good OSCAR station in the Southern USA in a line
to GA to conduct this test of RAFT flying through the 80 megawatt radar transmitter beam originated in north
There is only one viable pass per day per command station location in the early evening.... The trick is to
satellite to turn on its downlink carrier and Radar
exactly 30 seconds prior to passing through the fence and then having an audio recorder
"hear" (record) the tone when we pass through the radar
Commands are a simple CONNECT XXXX at the cmd: propt,
exchange of passwords, and then sending a simple typed
at the right time.
RAFT can he HEARD just fine on ALL FIVE passes leading up
this last pass per day, so you can test your RECEIVE
on any pass, but can only command in the dark (due to overcharging on batteries makes uplink receier deaf)...
If anyone can conduct this test please let us know. Only
person per pass can attempt this, so we want the best gun
stick. Fully conversent at the TNC "cmd:" prompt and
with experimence with the KPC3+ remote-sysop command
Bob, WB4APR USNA Satelite Lab
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:32 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] RAFT Packet Operator assistance
We need AMSAT operator help with the RAFT satellite Test. We need somone with a 2m beam and familiarity with packet that lives in the Southern USA from Arizona to Georgia (AZ, NM, TX, OK, MS, ALA, GA).
RAFT is past its mission life time half-way point, and we have not been able to find anyone in the above footprint to help us conduct the primary mission
was for the satellite to detect its own passing
the DOD's radar fence. When it flies through the North American Space-Object fan beam, we should hear about 1 second tone that anyone can hear on the
Due to its low orbit and small footprint, turning on the Radar Transponder can only be done in the shared footprint between the radar transmitter in North
and the command station. The ideal command station
these atributes:
- Lives in AZ, NM, TX, OK, AK, LA, MS, AL, GA, W.FLA
- A reasonable 2m beam for ops on 145.825
- A packet TNC
- Familiar with dumb-terminal TNC operations such as
A. Connections, Converse, UNPROTO, etc B. Remote sysop logon to a Kantronics TNC
The objective of these southern command stations is
logon, send the command to activate the RAFT Radar receiver for 1 minute in anticipation of passing through the fence. Then hopefully recording any
heard on the downlink (145.825). Of course, once the radar receiver is on, everyone in the footprint
be able to hear it.
For info, see the ANDE-RAFT operations page: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html
Several AMSAT hams built this tiny Radar receiver as
possible common device for all future HAMsats, and we would like to get feedback on its performance. But they all live up North. If you have a beam and familiarity with TNC's please let us know.
Bob, WB4APR. US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
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participants (3)
David Goncalves
Nick Pugh
Robert Bruninga