I have a brand-new-in-Diamond-bag X-30A SO-239 connector antenna for your consideration - all proceeds will be forwarded to AMSAT for DARA Doubling.
This antenna cannot get a less-than-5.0 review on eHam.net ...
RF Parts' Web page on the X-30A ...
Covers 2m and 70cm at 3.0db and 5.5db gain, respectively. Wind Rating (no ice) at 135MPH. Excellent performer for portable tripod setups, or scenarios where antenna height or "restrictions" are an issue.
AES and HRO sell these for $69.95. PLUS shipping. POSSIBLY PLUS tax.
First one in the U.S. contiguous 48 to commit (email [email protected] -or- telephone 909-241-7666) to $50 (PayPal or personal check - whatever) will get it shipped to them. That's twenty bucks off retail, FREE shipping, and no tax.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS http://www.work-sat.com
participants (1)
Clint Bradford