Thanks for trying the AO-51 SSB/FM mode. It was interesting.
I made a few contacts. I noted the audio level was a bit low so it was tough to hear myself on the downlink but I quickly turned up the volume and withstood the load static noise.
I was wearing headphones.
It was interesting to note that matched uplink and downlink modes are clearly heard on the various satellites. Is it that the narrow band SSB doesnt fully drive the transmitter deviation? Might sound stupid but I'm curious.
Thanks to VE3NPC, KD8CAO,N5ZNL,W2NBJ, and KC8ZFN for the brief contacts.
73, pat

My experience was that more power was needed using the SSB RX to reach an audio level on the downlink comparable to the normal FM-FM modes. A _very_ rough experimental number would be around 10-15 db more on the uplink. Still a very modest amount, but many were just not hitting it hard enough. By comparison, VE3NPC, WA8SME, and a couple of others sounded exactly as they do normally. My FM deviation is set from menu, and a deviation meter, so I don't touch it in FM modes. I had to slap myself alongside the head on SSB-FM to remind myself to turn it up.
No question that this is a trickier mode to operate. As you know, you need to think outside the FM-FM box a bit. Hi Hi!
participants (2)
Alan P. Biddle
Patrick McGrane