KB5WIA California Lost Coast (CM79/CM89/CN70/CN80) August 6-9 2011

Hi Everyone,
Just FYI, plans are coming together for a satellite mini grid-expedition in early August this year. The idea is to camp out near Shelter Cove on the remote northern California Lost Coast area. As much as possible, I'll hike with the portable satellite gear (Twin FT817ND's, Elk antenna, solar panels and battery) and work from the grid intersection of CM79, CM89, CN70, and CN80. This is the same location that was activated on 6m last year for the completion of the FFMA award -- CM79 is a pretty rare grid, and the adjacent ones aren't terribly common in the sat community either. As usual, I'll try for as many linear and FM passes as I can manage.
Operation (and the trip itself!) is still dependant on weather and other factors, but I just wanted to give the group a heads up on this one.
73 de Dave KB5WIA
participants (1)
David Palmer