The only issue I'm having is that I'm getting individual messages vs. a digest. I logged into mailman and it looks like I'm still set to get the digest, but there also appears to be no way to edit the options.
Dave, W4DSR (ex-WA6ILT)

Perhaps on the wrong page?
When you're logged in, click on your e-mail address in the upper right corner.
Mailman settings > click tab Global Mailman preferences
I don't have anything grayed out there (if it's grayed out, maybe haven't been approved for the list - not sure).
73, Tanner
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 8:44 AM David Reinhart [email protected] wrote:
The only issue I'm having is that I'm getting individual messages vs. a digest. I logged into mailman and it looks like I'm still set to get the digest, but there also appears to be no way to edit the options.
Dave, W4DSR (ex-WA6ILT)
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

What is going on? For years I have not gotten any email/BB and tonight I'm getting blasted.Did you do a BB email-list restoration using a very old email database?
I'm AMSAT/FOX persona-non-Grata. I ask to many leading logical questions so the political powers of FOX put me on ice, cutting me off from all things AMSAT. Of course I do not like being lied too, but that's another issue.
Have I been resurrected back into the AMSAT living? Beware, if you brought me back from the dead there will other selected rejects brought to life too. Thank you very much...
Best regards, Dale Kubichek , MS-EET, N6JSX Sidney, OH 45365 EN70vh
----------------------------------------------- AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

Nothing like’ Mr. Positive’ to brighten up the Season…
Happy Holidays, all
73, K7TRK
From: Dale Kubichek Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:03 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Mail Server upgrade issues
What is going on? For years I have not gotten any email/BB and tonight I'm getting blasted.
Did you do a BB email-list restoration using a very old email database?
I'm AMSAT/FOX persona-non-Grata. I ask to many leading logical questions so the political powers of FOX put me on ice, cutting me off from all things AMSAT. Of course I do not like being lied too, but that's another issue.
Have I been resurrected back into the AMSAT living? Beware, if you brought me back from the dead there will other selected rejects brought to life too. Thank you very much...
Best regards,
Dale Kubichek , MS-EET, N6JSX
Sidney, OH 45365 EN70vh
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] mailto:[email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] mailto:[email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

Hi AllI have tried to unsubscribe from these emails using the link but they still keep coming.How can I get my email address removed from all the lists as the amount of email traffic is now becoming distracting and a pain.RegardsSent from my Galaxy -------- Original message --------From: [email protected] Date: 09/12/2020 23:37 (GMT+00:00) To: 'Dale Kubichek' [email protected], [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Mail Server upgrade issues Nothing like’ Mr. Positive’ to brighten up the Season… Happy Holidays, all 73, K7TRK From: Dale Kubichek Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:03 PMTo: [email protected]: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Mail Server upgrade issues AMSAT, What is going on? For years I have not gotten any email/BB and tonight I'm getting blasted.Did you do a BB email-list restoration using a very old email database? I'm AMSAT/FOX persona-non-Grata. I ask to many leading logical questions so the political powers of FOX put me on ice, cutting me off from all things AMSAT. Of course I do not like being lied too, but that's another issue. Have I been resurrected back into the AMSAT living? Beware, if you brought me back from the dead there will other selected rejects brought to life too. Thank you very much... Best regards, Dale Kubichek , MS-EET, N6JSXSidney, OH 45365 EN70vh -----------------------------------------------AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

I am getting Gibberish in my mail digest from this post below. I tried forwarding to the list but apparently the email creates a server error.
Oh for the simpler days of a simple BB Re-mailer.....
john.hammond43 wrote:
Hi AllI have tried to unsubscribe from these emails using the link but they still keep coming.How can I get my email address removed from all the lists as the amount of email traffic is now becoming distracting and a pain.RegardsSent from my Galaxy -------- Original message --------From: k7trkradio(a)charter.net Date: 09/12/2020 23:37 (GMT+00:00) To: 'Dale Kubichek' <N6JSX(a)Yahoo.com>om>, amsat-bb(a)amsat.org Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Mail Server upgrade issues Nothing like’ Mr. Positive’ to brighten up the Season… Happy Holidays, all 73, K7TRK From: Dale Kubichek Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:03 PMTo: amsat-bb(a)amsat.orgSubject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Mail Server upgrade issues AMSAT, What is going on? For years I have not gotten any email/BB and tonight I'm getting blasted.Did you do a BB email-list restoration using a very old email database? I'm AMSAT/FOX persona-non-Grata. I ask to many leading logical questions so the political powers of FOX put me on ice, cutting me off from all things AMSAT. Of course I do not like being lied too, but that's another issue. Have I been resurrected back into the AMSAT living? Beware, if you brought me back from the dead there will other selected rejects brought to life too. Thank you very much... Best regards, Dale Kubichek , MS-EET, N6JSXSidney, OH 45365 EN70vh -----------------------------------------------AMSAT-BB mailing list -- amsat-bb(a)amsat.orgView archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] unsubscribe send an email to amsat-bb-leave(a)amsat.orgManage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

On 2020-12-10 11:29 p.m., [email protected] wrote:
I am getting Gibberish in my mail digest
I got that too and in the end I used single emails and it all works fine.

Can someone provide step by step procedure for fixing the list? I am getting flooded with emails and my passwords do not work..
On 12/8/2020 9:43 AM, David Reinhart wrote:
The only issue I'm having is that I'm getting individual messages vs. a digest. I logged into mailman and it looks like I'm still set to get the digest, but there also appears to be no way to edit the options.
Dave, W4DSR (ex-WA6ILT)
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. https://www.avg.com

Wayne, Please use the "Sign Up" option, using the email address that you use for your subscriptions. That process will link the "new" account to all your existing subscriptions. You can then set your digest preferences as you like.
Contact us at [email protected] if you need a hand or have additional questions.
- Matt Alberti / KM4EXS / AMSAT-IT Volunteer
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020, 1:08 PM Wayne Estes [email protected] wrote:
The mail server change caused my amsat-bb digest subscription to switch to a flood of individual messages.
I don't have an AMSAT password in my password file, so I clicked "reset password" and entered my email address.
The response was that "The e-mail address is not assigned to any user account".
Really? I'm being flooded with emails from amsat.org but the mail server claims not to know my email address?
What should I do?
Should I create a new account and hope I don't start getting everything twice?
Wayne Estes W9AE
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

Wayne and everyone,
I've been looking at this more than I did when I first started to use it and I've discovered that there is an enormous amount of stuff that you can change, including whether to get individual emails or a digest. There are some things that you can change either by list name, by the address with which you are subscribed, etc. Now most of you will only be subscribed to the bb list so you don't need to worry about this. (The rest of the lists are small lists for AMSAT volunteers that are working on different tasks.) But in any case, the entire thing starts by going to postman.amsat.org and creating your account as I have detailed in previous posts. Once you are logged in, in that same upper right area, click on your username and go to the mailman settings menu and you will find all this stuff. Probably going to "by list" is the easiest at that point.
Burns WB1FJ
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 1:29 PM Matthew Alberti [email protected] wrote:
Wayne, Please use the "Sign Up" option, using the email address that you use for your subscriptions. That process will link the "new" account to all your existing subscriptions. You can then set your digest preferences as you like.
Contact us at [email protected] if you need a hand or have
additional questions.
- Matt Alberti / KM4EXS / AMSAT-IT Volunteer
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020, 1:08 PM Wayne Estes [email protected] wrote:
The mail server change caused my amsat-bb digest subscription to switch to a flood of individual messages.
I don't have an AMSAT password in my password file, so I clicked "reset password" and entered my email address.
The response was that "The e-mail address is not assigned to any user account".
Really? I'm being flooded with emails from amsat.org but the mail server claims not to know my email address?
What should I do?
Should I create a new account and hope I don't start getting everything twice?
Wayne Estes W9AE
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

Burns writes:
But in any case, the entire thing starts by going to postman.amsat.org
and creating your
Pssst.... Try mailman.amsat.org rather than postman.amsat.org :-) Computers these days are really really picky.
Douglas KA2UPW/5
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 2:55 PM Burns Fisher [email protected] wrote:
Wayne and everyone,
I've been looking at this more than I did when I first started to use it and I've discovered that there is an enormous amount of stuff that you can change, including whether to get individual emails or a digest. There are some things that you can change either by list name, by the address with which you are subscribed, etc. Now most of you will only be subscribed to the bb list so you don't need to worry about this. (The rest of the lists are small lists for AMSAT volunteers that are working on different tasks.) But in any case, the entire thing starts by going to postman.amsat.org and creating your account as I have detailed in previous posts. Once you are logged in, in that same upper right area, click on your username and go to the mailman settings menu and you will find all this stuff. Probably going to "by list" is the easiest at that point.
Burns WB1FJ
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 1:29 PM Matthew Alberti [email protected] wrote:
Wayne, Please use the "Sign Up" option, using the email address that you use for your subscriptions. That process will link the "new" account to all your existing subscriptions. You can then set your digest preferences as you like.
Contact us at [email protected] if you need a hand or have
additional questions.
- Matt Alberti / KM4EXS / AMSAT-IT Volunteer
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020, 1:08 PM Wayne Estes [email protected] wrote:
The mail server change caused my amsat-bb digest subscription to switch to a flood of individual messages.
I don't have an AMSAT password in my password file, so I clicked "reset password" and entered my email address.
The response was that "The e-mail address is not assigned to any user account".
Really? I'm being flooded with emails from amsat.org but the mail server claims not to know my email address?
What should I do?
Should I create a new account and hope I don't start getting everything twice?
Wayne Estes W9AE
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

Oh, blast. Of course I was thinking of the David Brin book and not the mail server :-)
Thanks Douglas. As if this whole thing is not confusing enough without me messing THAT up! Sorry if anyone tried this.
Burns WB1FJ
On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 3:37 PM Douglas Quagliana [email protected] wrote:
Burns writes:
But in any case, the entire thing starts by going to postman.amsat.org
and creating your
Pssst.... Try mailman.amsat.org rather than postman.amsat.org :-) Computers these days are really really picky.
Douglas KA2UPW/5
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 2:55 PM Burns Fisher [email protected] wrote:
Wayne and everyone,
I've been looking at this more than I did when I first started to use it and I've discovered that there is an enormous amount of stuff that you can change, including whether to get individual emails or a digest. There are some things that you can change either by list name, by the address with which you are subscribed, etc. Now most of you will only be subscribed to the bb list so you don't need to worry about this. (The rest of the lists are small lists for AMSAT volunteers that are working on different tasks.) But in any case, the entire thing starts by going to postman.amsat.org and creating your account as I have detailed in previous posts. Once you are logged in, in that same upper right area, click on your username and go to the mailman settings menu and you will find all this stuff. Probably going to "by list" is the easiest at that point.
Burns WB1FJ
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 1:29 PM Matthew Alberti [email protected] wrote:
Wayne, Please use the "Sign Up" option, using the email address that you use for your subscriptions. That process will link the "new" account to all your existing subscriptions. You can then set your digest preferences as you like.
Contact us at [email protected] if you need a hand or have
additional questions.
- Matt Alberti / KM4EXS / AMSAT-IT Volunteer
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020, 1:08 PM Wayne Estes [email protected] wrote:
The mail server change caused my amsat-bb digest subscription to switch to a flood of individual messages.
I don't have an AMSAT password in my password file, so I clicked "reset password" and entered my email address.
The response was that "The e-mail address is not assigned to any user account".
Really? I'm being flooded with emails from amsat.org but the mail server claims not to know my email address?
What should I do?
Should I create a new account and hope I don't start getting everything twice?
Wayne Estes W9AE
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
AMSAT-BB mailing list -- [email protected] View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
participants (12)
Bill Booth
Burns Fisher
Dale Kubichek
David Reinhart
Douglas Quagliana
Joe Leikhim
Matthew Alberti
Tanner Jones
Wayne Estes