I plan to leave tomorrow (Thursday), tentatively going up the California- Oregon coast most of the way to Portland (Friday eve), and returning Monday, hopefully through the middle of Oregon and northern California (weather and road conditions permitting).
Likely grid squares include CN70,71,72,73,74,75, CM89,CN80,81,82,83,84,85, and possible squares include CM99, CN90,91,92,93,94. I will try for at least one grid square corner on the return trip, but i don't have any good ideas about accessibility. I will be operating on AO-27, AO-51 and SO-50, usually running 1W into a homebrew antenna.
As with the Southwest trip before, i'll send out QSL cards without your card (or SA[S]E), as it's much easier for me that trying to keep track of who has me cards. But ask you to work me near home (CM88) as well if i have not worked you before, as roving contacts do not count for VUCC.
Weather conditions look rainy for the trip north, so i may bail early and/or skip seemingly unproductive passes (especially over the Pacific).
Especially given the weather, i would greatly appreciate 'regulars' not call other 'regulars' until i've worked all those wanting my grid square. Please remind those who don't read AMSAT-BB. I do this for other people, as contacts away from home don't for VUCC (or WAS). 73's and good luck!
-- KD6PAG (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer)
participants (1)
John Mock KD6PAG