The LARC i.e. Lynchburg Amateur Radio Club of Lynchburg Va. will again this year be operating 2A with a satellite station for field day. We will be active on all satellites including AO-51 mode L/u. Please listen for our call and enjoy the contest.
Best 73's << John

If your club is going to operate APRS for FD, please remember to have the APRS station place an APRS object on the map of his ARRL section and sequenctial number so that he can be contacted worldwide... SSS-n
go to http://map.findu.com/SSS* to find out what other clubs are using which SSID's in your section
By using these tactical calls, you can be contacted in the blind from anywhere in the country for your APRS demo.
see the APRS Field Day page: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/aprs/fd2007.html
participants (2)
John Price
Robert Bruninga