Depends on what you plan on doing and how much money you want to spend. I would suggest for portable operations getting a new or used name brand dual band ht like the Yaesu VX-7R or maybe a VX-8R. Check the suppliers for close outs and specials. I got my Yaesu VX-7R at real deal because they were clearing them out for the newer model VX-8 something because they actually came out with two new variants of the model. Keep in mind they work four bands. I'm starting to hear some bad things about the new "cheap" models that are out that as with I suggested staying Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu etc. I run both Elk and Arrow antennas.For base operations do the same but look for reviews on the different rigs. There are a ton of different ways to setup a home station. My rule of thumb when shopping is doing what your doing now then check the suppliers for deals, then look for used e-bay is a good source along with Hamfests!73,sMike/N8GBU
participants (1)
Michael Farkas