I am going on a trip that will pass through some rare grids. It is not a grid expedition and the main purpose is work related travel. The person I am traveling with has agreed to a few "rest stops" for me, my hand-held and arrow antenna. I cannot guarantee exactly when I will be in which grid, but I will leave Watertown, SD Sunday, August 24th around 6:00 AM.
My trip will take me through the following grids EN-15, EN-05, DN-95, DN-85, DN-86, DN-76, DN-66, DN-65, DN-55. I will cover the same ground in the other direction August 29 or 30th.
Please listen for me on AO-51, SO-50, and AO-27. I don't expect to make every pass, but I hope to get quite a few of them.
P.S. If you really need EN-15 or EN-05 they are not that far from my home and I would be willing to do a sked.
participants (1)
Gary "Joe" Mayfield