WB4APR said:
What happened to the West Coast ISS Igates?
I think it is not just the west coast Bob...
The last opportunity I had to listen (while ISS was in APRS mode), it seems like I only heard a few packets downlink, but they weren't appearing in the APRS-IS. I only copied one or two beacons, neither was mine. I couldn't tell if it was my station, the ISS digi, or just that the Igates of the southeast US were all asleep... Checking the map tonite tho, I see that the most recent activity was a few days back.
I'm afraid that with the irregularity of the schedule, some are finding it difficult to dedicate the resources to that frequency 24x7 ... I hope to have mine back on the air soon, I hope there will be enough in the schedule to keep it on freq. /;^)
participants (1)
Alan Sieg WB5RMG