OK, what am I doing wrong with VO-52

Overhead pass, heard W9VNE calling CQ on CW, and QSO between him and a VE3. Sounded like he was almost in the middle of the downlink passband at 145.900 +/- for Doppler, so I put my transmit signal in the middle of the uplink passband (remembering that it is inverted, so the middle is a good place to be). I was transmitting on 435.250, callin several times but no response. I also heard some USB, but decided to stay with the CW and try to make contact.
Kinda tough since I am using one FT817 and one Arrow antenna, but I should be able to get through. I did work through AO-7 last weekend, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. It is my first try on VO-52, but I was thrilled to at least hear the bird.
Any thoughts/suggestions welcome.
Mark Lunday WD4ELG [email protected] http://wd4elg.net
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Mark Lunday, WD4ELG