I'll be flying to CO96 Wednesday of next week and will be returning on Friday. If time permits, I will try to be on AO-27 and SO-50 as I'll be taking my FT-817ND and my Arrow Yagi.. FO-29 is also a possibility but only in half-duplex.
I will try to work any passes from about 1800 - 2100 UTC Wednesday and Friday but I won't try on Thursday as I have a prior commitment that day.
If I do try to work an FO-29 pass, I'll be operating my radio manually, transmitting on 145.930 MHz and tuning my downlink around 435.855. Longer calls would be appreciated as I might not hear your callsign and/or grid square right away.
Because of the reason for my trip, I can't guarantee that I will work any passes. I plan on going to CO96 at least once more later this year so I might have a better opportunity then.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
participants (1)