English version: http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/gs/en/application.html#PRISM http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/download/PRISM_CW_FORMAT(English).xls
Japanese version: http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/gs/application.html#PRISM http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/download/PRISM_CW_FORMAT.xls
JPG shot: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/prism_telemetry.jpg
Put the received CW data in the Function box to the left of the Formula bar on Excel after Click on the active cell.
Received by DK3WN 23Jan2009: pr0 000324a5a421a4a4 pr1 0000a51dfbb91000 pr2 0001100d0c000000 pr3 00080000008b0002 pr4 00376d00302a0500 pr5 005c000087878b75 pr6 005e5e6556616700 pr7 007274736e636200 pr8 000000000000000000000000 pr9 3f3f403f4040403f3f40403f403f3f3f3f pra 0000dbe753 prb 0150000000000000 prc --www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp prd -soranokonosorawoomougagotoki
JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

Solid signals from PRISM. LOS to the South (sea horizon) was almost two minutes later than predicted using the latest TLE's. (Other 70cm spacecraft e.g. AO-51 always conform to the predict LOS)
The following PRISM data was recorded over ZL at 0021 UT, Orbit number 27.
PR0000325A5A420A5A5 PR10000A51DF5B90700 PR200090B1217000000 PR30000000000000002 PR4003A6C00302B0500 PR50059000086888C77 PR6005E605D60625E00 PR70058585858626200 PR8000000000000000000000000 PR93F3F403F4040403F3F40403F403F3F3F PRA00026B0B53 PRB025042000000000000
Alan ZL2BX
participants (2)
Alan Cresswell
Mineo Wakita