Delfi-C3 / DO-64 Status update October 14th 11:00 UTC

Hi all,
as announced earlier, today we have successfully switched the Delfi-C3 / DO-64 satellite into basic mode. Delfi-C3 is currently transmitting 1200bit/s BPSK housekeeping telemetry on the primary downlink frequency of 145.870MHz (contrary to our earlier announcement which said 145.930MHz which is the other downlink transmitter). In this mode, AX.25 frames containing housekeeping telemetry are transmitted approx once every 4-5 secs, the rest of the transmission is filled with idle flags. We would like to encourage everyone to receive, decode and forward telemetry using the RASCAL software just like during the first three months of science mission, this will be greatly appreciated by the team. RASCAL can be downloaded at:
At this moment, we do not know how long the satellite will be in this mode, but it will at least be a couple of weeks. We'll keep you informed on our mission operations page at
and via the AMSAT-BB, and we will regularly post on and monitor the OSCAR status page at
73 on behalf of the Delfi-C3 / DO-64 team,
Wouter Jan Ubbels PE4WJ
participants (1)
Wouter Jan Ubbels