This morning I recorded Spectrum Labs screen dumps showing pulses received at around 0632-6 utc on 6.7925 MHz CW.
It was my first intstallation of Spectrum Labs and I wasn't centred on the signal, so I lost some intital longer bursts that I briefly saw.
On measurement against the 5 second marker intervals set by my radio clock the recorded pulses seem to be around 3 seconds long peaking in the middle of the fourth/fifth/first seconds (of a sequence of 5).
Rig is a ICOM IC728 transceiver and the antenna is actually a trap dipole for 14/21/28 MHz but loaded onto 7MHz with an ATU. The Dipole is oriented N/S and the Moon was predicted (in Starry Night)to be dropping rapidly below my horizon from say, 50% visible at 0630,to my NW off full beam.
At later times there was predicted to be no moon and in signal terms there was nothing there on either frequency as sked after 0638.
I have reported this observation to Haarp and to the uk radio astronomy group.
73 de Andy, G0SFJ
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