AMSAT-INDIA workshop was conducted on 10th May at the Little Lillys English Public school ,Vidhyaranyapura, Bangalore on the ocassion of fours years of HAMSAT (VO-52) in orbit which was launched on May 5th 2005. The workshop was attended by 130 delegates. This included students from academic institutions and members of Upagrah Amateur Radio Club,VU2URC which is the club station of ISRO.
The event started with registration,distribution of delegate kit and breakfast followed by the Invocation song by staff of Little Lilly's school,welcome address by the President of AMSAT INDIA, Air Cmde Suby, VU2UV The following dignitary's were invited to the Dias and the programme was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by the following:
Chief Guest Shri. M. Krishnaswamy, Programme Director-Small Satellite Systems, ISRO Guests of Honor Shri. D.V.A.Raghavamurthy , Project Director-Small Satellite Systems, ISRO Shri. R. Suresh, Mission Director-HAMSAT, ISRO Shri.C.A Prabhakar Head IRS Project management Office Shri. S.R.Nagaraj, Dy. Project DirectorCartosat- 2. ISRO
The Chief Guest and the guests of honor appreciated the efforts of AMSAT INDIA in realizing their goals with the HAMSAT launched by ISRO on May 5th 2005.They were highly impressed with the U/V Linear transponder designed and built by a member of AMSAT-INDIA and also made valuable recommendations for the realization of HAMSAT-II.
VO-52 operating award certificates were also released by the Chief Guest.
VU2GUR, Guru was presented the first certificate for his outstanding contribution for the activity on HAMSAT (VO-52). Certificates were given to VU2RM, VU2UV and VU2MKP by the Guest of Honor for their contributions for the activity in VU. Net controllers VU2QNY, VU2ZUB, VU2PCP and VU3OJI in Bangalore for announcements regarding the workshop.
The exhibition area was inaugurated by the Chief Guest and comprised of poster session by VU3TYG, Nitin showcasing projects from AMSAT organizations worldwide, ARISS and software applications and hardware developed by Radio Hams for satellite tracking and pass predictions. VU2POP demonstrated Home brew projects of up/down converters, preamps, VU2RVJ power amplifier module.
VURMS and students from VU3LLE showcased Egg beater, Arrow and quad antennas for satellite communications. Ganeshan the designer of the UV linear transponder also demonstrated a working U/V transponder.
The Chief Guest, Guest of honor and the delegates were impressed with the OSCAR Locator, down converters, and receivers built by VU2UV during 1970's.
Technical presentations from Amal, VU2GDX, VU2WMY, Mani, VU2RVJ, Ravi,VU2GUR and VU2RMS caught the rapt attention of the audience and were highly appreciated. Exide batteries also participated and showcased various batteries which can be used by Radio Hams for powering their Radio's.
VU2POP, POP and VU2WMY, Mani managed the flow of the programme from start to the end.
The programme was concluded by vote of thanks was by VU3TYG, Nitin who acknowledged the contributions of all those who helped in making this event a big success.
The following were elected as office bearers of AMSAT INDIA for 2009 - 2011
President: Suby, VU2UV. Vice President: R. Ramesh VU2RMS Secretary: Nitin, VU3TYG Treasurer: VU3SXE, Sandeep Director- Technical: VU2POP
Core Committee: VU2WMY, Mani, VU3HCJ, Somu, VU2GDX, Amal, VU2RVJ, Ravi. VU2MGD, Giri, SWL Ganeshan.
Note: Pictures and more details will be provided in the May 2009 newsletter and on our website.
73's Nitin [VU3TYG] Secretary - AMSAT INDIA
participants (1)
Nitin Muttin [VU3TYG]