Old AMSAT Satellite Report and ARRL Gateway newsletters online

Phil, thanks for the treasures and a great trip down memory lane.
I have a couple old copies of the Orbit magazine from 1982, if I scan them can you find a home for them on your hosting I am limited to only 10 megs hosting on my ISP.
I find one thing amazing. 2008 we are talking about operation AO-7. 1982 they were talking about operating AO-7. I doubt many commercial satellites can say the same thing regarding lifespans. We owe a lot to the pioneers among us who blazed the trail for us. Now it's up to us follow their lead and continue to make amateur satellite operating a viable and vibrant mode of communication.
"We all need to hang together, or we shall surely hang separately".

I have a few old copies of "Oscar News" from the 1975-1978 period if anyone is interested. Perhaps we can get these historical copies of various publications together on one site.
Bob DeVarney W1ICW wrote:
I have a couple old copies of the Orbit magazine from 1982,

Hello all, I have posted some more magazines and newsletters on my website.
The URL as before is
Ralph Wallio W0RPK contributed AMSAT Satellite Journal issues 1-7 (Jan-Feb 1985 through Jan-Feb 1986) and I have begun scanning the early TAPR Packet Status Register newsletters. So far I have issues 1-20, 24-26 and 28. They run from July 1982 through July 1987.
More to come, more to come...
73, Phil
participants (3)
Bob DeVarney W1ICW
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
Phil Karn