Martlesham Microwave Roundtable on BATC Video Stream (April 15)

Here is a news item which is more timely released sooner than the weekend news cycle ... some of their topics and techniques seem applicable to future satellites ... microwave construction, SDR, GNUradio ...
AMSAT-UK relayed that the UKGHZ Martlesham Microwave Roundtable Sunday [April 15] talks will be streamed live on BATCOnline:
The Sunday programe will streamed live. The times are apparently British Summer Time which I believe is UTC+1 this time of year.
Their programe includes: 09:00 Doors Open 09:50 Welcome and Opening 10:00 UK Microwave Group AGM, Trophy Presentations 10:45 Refreshments & Judging of the Construction Contest 11:00 An introduction to SDRs and GNU Radio - Heather Lomond M0HMO 11:45 Aircraft Scatter using Airscout - John Quarmby G3XDY 12:30 Lunch Break 13:30 ATV on 5.6, 10 and 24GHz - Dave Crump G8GKQ 14:15 The Wednesday Digifest - John Worsnop G4BAO 15:00 Refreshments 15:15 UKuG Contest Forum - John Quarmby G3XDY 16:00 Close
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]
participants (1)
JoAnne K9JKM