Re: ANDE and Amateur Astronomers?
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] ANDE and Amateur Astronomers?
Bob - Do the lasers have any modulation on them we might try
Yes. They are pulsed at different rates so the ranging station can tell which one they are seeing. The rates are between 1 to 6 flashes per second or so... Simply ON/OFF. Bob
The next Amateur Satellite, ANDE, to be launched any day now will have six lasers on board that we can turn on at any
But the lasers are each dispursed over at least 45 degrees so the actual illumination is no brighter than a common red LED.
I doubt anyone will be able to see it, so don't bother
However, there are a few very dedicated amateur astronomers
have the high precision tracking capability that have taken photos of the Shuttle and the ISS. They might want to take a crack at it.
I'm looking for someone with a foot in that camp to be a
point of contact for such an effort.
It would not be soon after launch, but a little while after
have developed a really good track on it.
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR
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Robert Bruninga