Re: [amsat-bb] L-Band Equipment List

Thanks for all the comments. Back in 1998 I bought the new FT-847 just before AO-40 launch. I was also getting into eme starting on 2m. The 847 worked very nice for satellite operation and eme and I kept it for 14 years. Note: I was AL7EB until 2005.
But in 2010 I decided using a better HF radio with good transverters was a better way to do eme so I bought a K3 and DEMI transverters for 144/222/432/1296/3456. I already had a 10368/144 DEMI transverter. Subsequent to selling the FT-847 in 2012, I missed having full use of the 430-450 band and decided after quite a lot of searching new dual-band FM radios that finding a substitute for the old 847 made more sense. A local ham up here in AK had three FT-736R's so I convinced him to sell me one that had the basic VHF/UHF bands for $500. Interestingly, that got me a good old satellite radio in addition with all-mode on both bands. I had two other radios with 6m and transverters for 222 and 1296 so did not need to get those modules for the 736R.
Since then I sold the DEMI 222/28 and bought a 222 30w FM transceiver (no SSB in use on 222 up here). My DEMI 432/28 has been idle with having the FT-736R. But it might still get some use as I installed dual LO's (locking PLL) to cover 432-434 and 435-437 MHz.
I can do 144-MHz with the K3+DEMI or with my KX3-2M; probably use either on Rx and use the 736R with DEMI 144/1268 to Tx. But first step will be getting the 736R back on satellite U/V using my old AO-40 az-el tracking antennas. Probably get around to that in Feb. so you may hear another Alaskan on the sats "pretty soon".
73, Ed - KL7UW PS: I am on eme for 6m/2m/23cm and by next summer 9cm. Also collecting parts to do 3cm-eme (eme took over my interests after AO-40).
At 02:22 PM 1/22/2018, John Geiger wrote:
73, Ed - KL7UW Dubus-NA Business mail:
participants (1)
Edward R Cole