SatPC32 problem- Access is denied

This problem has occurred a few times during a pass. SatPC32 stops working (I can see its not updating the frequencies) and whenever I click the tone control (T0, T1) I get the message "Access is denied" and the Countdown window dissappears. If I click OK on the message popup, the window reappears. It gets worse; In order to restore operation meaning to get doppler control so I can make a sat QSO, I need to restart SatPC32 but when I click the X, I get the error message. I must click File, Quit. By this time, the pass is over. Restarting SatPC32 does restore normal operation. This problem is intermittent. Most of the time, SatPC32 works well with my IC-9700. The PC is running Win10. Do these symptoms point to a known issue or do I just reinstall everything?

Try a different USB cable or USB port. If you lose connection to the radio that error message will pop up. Usually happens to me when I cut the power to the radio, but leave satpc32 up in between passes.
Task manager to kill the process quickly fixes.
On Mon, Dec 27, 2021, 2:29 PM Larry Ryan [email protected] wrote:
This problem has occurred a few times during a pass. SatPC32 stops working (I can see its not updating the frequencies) and whenever I click the tone control (T0, T1) I get the message "Access is denied" and the Countdown window dissappears. If I click OK on the message popup, the window reappears. It gets worse; In order to restore operation meaning to get doppler control so I can make a sat QSO, I need to restart SatPC32 but when I click the X, I get the error message. I must click File, Quit. By this time, the pass is over. Restarting SatPC32 does restore normal operation. This problem is intermittent. Most of the time, SatPC32 works well with my IC-9700. The PC is running Win10. Do these symptoms point to a known issue or do I just reinstall everything?
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I feel your pain, Larry. I have seen the very same thing happen on my end a bunch of times; it doesn't happen regularly, but it happens enough that I have to keep a close watch on SatPC32. I'm a full time RVer, so all of my operating is portable. When I operate from what I consider my home grid (EM70), it's generally not that big of a deal, but it's happened during roving trips too. If the truck is disconnected from the fifth wheel, I'll set up on the tail gate; otherwise, I'll use a small folding table from Wally World and set up on that. My IC-9700 is controlled usually by an Asus netbook but sometimes by an HP laptop; both are Windows 10. I've used a variety of cables, but for the last couple months have been using a Tripp Lite cable with ferrite chokes on both end. My thinking was that the problem is RFI related, so I've taken to keeping the laptop separated from the rig by as much distance as possible and in the opposite direction from the current satellite pass' general azimuth. After I started spacing the rig and laptop farther apart, I don't see the problem occur as much, but it still does occasionally. Most times, I discover SatPC32 has crashed because I hear my downlink signal "take off" and I start sounding like Donald Duck. A quick glance at the Tracking menu invariably shows that the Cat control has become disabled, i.e. "C+" has become "C-". My eyesight isn't what it used to be, so spotting that change gets a little tricky since the laptop is farther away from the rig. I get the "Access Denied" message when clicking the "X" too. Closing the program with Alt F -> Q and then restarting it usually does the trick, but sometimes I have to do a full laptop reboot as well as disconnect and reconnect the USB cable. One laptop has two USB ports and the other has three, and I've seen the same thing happen on all ports. (Thankfully, the port assignment doesn't change when I move the USB cable around, but I keep a watch on that too just in case.) So far, I've noticed these symptoms happen only on U/V birds, not V/U. Also, I've seen this happen regardless of when I'm using my User account or Admin account. I'm interested to see what you find out. I'll let you know if I figure something out. 73, Jim, ND9M
-----Original Message----- From: Larry Ryan [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, Dec 27, 2021 7:28 pm Subject: [AMSAT-BB] SatPC32 problem- Access is denied
This problem has occurred a few times during a pass. SatPC32 stops working (I can see its not updating the frequencies) and whenever I click the tone control (T0, T1) I get the message "Access is denied" and the Countdown window dissappears. If I click OK on the message popup, the window reappears. It gets worse;In order to restore operation meaning to get doppler control so I can make a sat QSO, I need to restart SatPC32 but when I click the X, I get the error message. I must click File, Quit. By this time, the pass is over. Restarting SatPC32 does restore normal operation. This problem is intermittent. Most of the time, SatPC32 works well with my IC-9700. The PC is running Win10. Do these symptoms point to a known issue or do I just reinstall everything?
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participants (3)
Ant Lefebvre
Jim, ND9M / VQ9JC
Larry Ryan