K7UGA update - Thursday evening
Today was a productive day on the radio. I worked two VO-52 passes in the morning, then SO-50 and AO-27 at midday (one pass on each FM satellite). K7UGA has now logged 69 satellite QSOs, not bad considering I could not be on for many daylight passes due to my day job earlier in the week. I have made at least one QSO on every pass I have attempted as K7UGA, and one FM pass had 12 QSOs.
I will be at the hamfest in Yuma AZ tomorrow morning. From this point, I won't be able to post definite schedules for the passes I plan to work from there. I have printed out the pass times for the next couple of days, and will plan to work as many as possible if I have assistance to cover the AMSAT table inside the main hall at the hamfest. I will take a small table, my radio(s), antenna, and battery outside whenever I plan to do demonstrations. If I have enough help, I plan on having someone make a video of the demonstration passes.
The hamfest officially opens at noon (1900 UTC) Friday, and at 8am (1500 UTC) on Saturday, running until 5pm (0000 UTC) each day. If you hear K7UGA on a pass, please give us a call. If it is an SSB pass, I will try to start out 10 kHz +/- above the center of the transponder. The hamfest site is in grid DM22qq.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Calexico, California http://www.wd9ewk.net/
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