ONLINE REGISTRATION - 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and Cubesat Conference in Roma

Dear all,
we would like to announce you that the Online Registration service is now available to register to the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and Cubesat Conference in Roma. Please follow the instructions on this link:
Registration would like to announce also that the Conference will take place at the Centro Logistico della Guardia di Finanza 'Villa Spada', which is located in Via Castiglion Fiorentino, 00138 Roma. As this place is difficult to reach with public transports, we will organize a service of bus transports from the hotels indicated in the accommodation page (hotels to the Conference site. If you want to book an hotel in another area, consider how to reach the Conference site.
Best regards,
participants (1)
Group of Astrodynamics