I'll be making another "grid-pedition", leaving tomorrow, 11 June; this run will initially be to Delaware where I'll be QRV in both FM28 and FM29, perhaps on the grid line, on all FM sats on Sunday, the 14th. If Murphy takes the day off, I'll also hit the FO29, VO52, and AO7 birds as well.
There are at least two ops that I know of that need Delaware to wrap up their WAS, so hopefully the satellite gods will be on our side.
On Monday, the 15th, I'll start heading south again and will put out all FM0x and FM1x grids that have land in them and some, maybe all, of the FM2x grids, then into southeastern GA and on south to Fort Lauderdale in EM96. A couple of the less accessible grids appear to be FM02 and FM13. (An aqua-duck would be a great asset!)
The trip up will be via interstate with no particular grids in mind, but I'll stop and operate from whatever grid I'm in during each pass as I head northeast.
I don't know what, if any, grid boundaries I'll hit this time, but as before everything will be fully photo documented for anyone who may need it.
CU on the birds.
Jim, ND9M
participants (1)