Re: Fw: K5D contacts from tonight - NA1SS works K5D and others

Mike NA1SS just worked K5D at 1543z this morning. Mike came on about half-way through the pass and began calling K5D on schedule, but K5D was not then on. Mike was kind enough to come back and give out a few QSOs to myself and others who were bold enough (rude enough?) to call him while he was waiting for K5D. Gary at K5D finally came on and worked Mike just as I was losing the bird.
As others have noted, there really is some problem with the audio on the HT that K5D is using, but he is copyable.
73, Bill NZ5N
NA1SS, Mike in the ISS tried in vain to contact K5D earlier today. I heard K5D quite clearly on ISS working a few stations; but it appears they shut down the operation right at the time Mike was calling them.
This is only a guess in my part, that someone there must have looked at the footprint and determined that no one else would be on the air from stateside.
There were some stations down south calling them, and I asked them to please wait since Mike was calling them; which they kindly did, but it looks like Mike lost a great opportunity to work them. I can only hope he was able to work them when I was no longer in the footprint, but I doubt he was able to.
73 de W4AS Sebastian
participants (1)
Bill Dzurilla