Dear All,
1) Thanks to all to who captured the signals of MIR-SAT1 and uploaded data to Satnogs DB, this is really useful to the MIR-SAT1 team.
2) 10 successful participants for the Platinum Award have been selected for having successfully uploaded at least a valid frame to Satnogs DB and applied for same, certificates will be issued and announcement of the winners will be published soon.
3) However, many have uploaded data to Satnogs but have not applied for the Award, they can still do so for the Gold certificate and their past upload data still valid, it a first come first serve game.
4) The telemetry frequency which was 4 minutes actually made it harder to decode particularly on low elevation, it is just a coincidence that it was set to 50 seconds for testing purposes when the Gold Award opens today (Platinum closed today).
5) The satellite is in good health and commissioning tests are being performed presently by the MIR-SAT1 team.
6) Digipeater and image broadcast activation date not yet decided as 5) above must be completed successfully and also having some more data about power available for same.
Will keep you informed
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
participants (1)
Jean Marc Momple