Congratulations to the HITSAT team!
I copied the CW beacon from 22:42 at ~437.280, 22:44 at 274.3 (just after time of closest approach), and 22:45:45 at 268.2. I was busy pointing and tuning, so didn't get any of the telemetry, and Mixw didn't either. There is a bit of a gap between transmissions which makes tuning and pointing by hand a bit tough, especially with no keps ;-)
The signal was quite strong at times, up to s9 or so on a M2 30cp and Landwehr preamp.
Looking forward to 1200 baud data from this satellite hopefully.
73, Drew KO4MA EL88pg New Port Richey, FL AMSAT LM 2332

Users please refrain from any packets TO or VIA W3ADO-1.
We are trying to recover PCSAT-1 (NO-44). We only have one shot per day at a given lattitude and a given orbit when the sun angles are just perfect.. We were trying to recover today and would have been successful, but there were other signals on the air. These packets consumed all available power while we were trying to connnect the command link and made the link impossible.
We ask that ALL USERS not send any packets via the W3ADO-1 default callsign. This callsign means PCSAT-1 is in RESET condition and is power negative. If we can recover it this week, then PCSAT-1 will be useable for several weeks, but we only have a few day window during which this recovery is possible. This can only work if there is no contention on the uplink.
Please do not use W3ADO-1 in any way until it has been receovered. If you see the callsign PCSAT-1, then you are welcome to use it. But until then, we need every single packet worth of power to try to get in on the command link and get it set up for users.
So if it is using W3ADO-1, then that means it has not been set to low power mode and has not been receoverd. If it is using PCSAT-1, then that means we have turned it over to users.
I am glad to see users interested in using the bird. We are hopeful that we can recover it this week and then maybe get a few weeks of continuous use out of her. As always, unattended beacons are not welcome at this time.
See pcsat.aprs.org

PCSAT-1 has been recovered as it entered better sun angles.
PCSAT-1 should remain NORMAL OPS for the next few weeks until it experiences an overload and resets. Then we lose it till December. So we ask that all users please adhere to these fundamental principles:
1) No unattended operations 2) No connections to or through PCSAT-1 3) UI digipeating and APRS packets only typically at 1 minute rates or so 4) Watch pcsat.aprs.org for live activity 5) Use the path of VIA PCSAT-1 or VIA ARISS 6) Minimize all packets after dark!
Enjoy PCSAT-1 and APRS! Make contacts, QSO, enjoy!
Just remember that ACKS are pretty useless and only add QRM to the channel. So do not expect ACKS via the satellite. If you see your outgoing packet digipeated by PCSAT-1 a few times then you should ASSUME that the other person got it and delete it yourself. By the same token, if someone sends you a message, then ANSWER him in kind, so that he knows you got it.
See web page PCSAT.APRS.ORG or Google for PCSAT.
De WB4APR, Bob US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 9:42 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] PCSAT-1 Recovery and OPS
Users please refrain from any packets TO or VIA W3ADO-1.
We are trying to recover PCSAT-1 (NO-44). We only have one
per day at a given lattitude and a given orbit when the sun angles are just perfect.. We were trying to recover today and would have been successful, but there were other signals on
air. These packets consumed all available power while we
trying to connnect the command link and made the link impossible.
We ask that ALL USERS not send any packets via the W3ADO-1 default callsign. This callsign means PCSAT-1 is in RESET condition and is power negative. If we can recover it this week, then PCSAT-1 will be useable for several weeks, but we only have a few day window during which this recovery is possible. This can only work if there is no contention on the uplink.
Please do not use W3ADO-1 in any way until it has been receovered. If you see the callsign PCSAT-1, then you are welcome to use it. But until then, we need every single
worth of power to try to get in on the command link and get it set up for users.
So if it is using W3ADO-1, then that means it has not been set to low power mode and has not been receoverd. If it is using PCSAT-1, then that means we have turned it over to users.
I am glad to see users interested in using the bird. We are hopeful that we can recover it this week and then maybe get a few weeks of continuous use out of her. As always, unattended beacons are not welcome at this time.
See pcsat.aprs.org
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

PCSAT-1 Special Event
We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28 Sept at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA. This is normal APRS (or UI) digipeating via the digipeater callsign of PCSAT-1 (or VIA ARISS) on the Space APRS channel of 145.825. Our callsign is W3ADO-15. Here is what we would like to see:
1) Attended stations set APRS posit rate to 2 minutes (until successful) 2) Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes 3) Include in your POSIT text these items: a) ur name, TX power and ANT Gain b) some reference to this event (like GO Navy! Etc) c) Example might be: "Bob, 2 min, 5W, 3dBi omni ant, Beat Army"
With this info, my students will plot your APRS posit and can calculate the link equation for your station and we can see the statistics of how well weak as well as strong stations get in. Please adhere to your stated rate for the POSIT text. Our station, W3ADO-15 will QSL your packets.
If you are attended and you get more than 5 successes, cut your period (and change your posit text) to 5 minutes. The objective is to see how many people we can capture, not how many times you can get in!
If you are NOT running APRS, here is how to use ANY TNC to participate: 1) Set your UNPROTO to APRS VIA PCSAT-1 2) Set your Btext with GRID square "[FM19sx]Joe,5min,5W,8dBi ant,Hi mids!" 3) Set your BEACON to every 5 minutes.
Notice that the grid square must be 6 digits or some APRS will not decode them.
I hope we get plenty of participation. Of course, TOO MUCH participation coiuld kill it too. But we will see how it goes.
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Bruninga [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:00 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Recoverd!
PCSAT-1 has been recovered as it entered better sun angles.
PCSAT-1 should remain NORMAL OPS for the next few weeks until
experiences an overload and resets. Then we lose it till December. So we ask that all users please adhere to these fundamental principles:
- No unattended operations
- No connections to or through PCSAT-1
- UI digipeating and APRS packets only typically at 1 minute
rates or so 4) Watch pcsat.aprs.org for live activity 5) Use the path of VIA PCSAT-1 or VIA ARISS 6) Minimize all packets after dark!
Enjoy PCSAT-1 and APRS! Make contacts, QSO, enjoy!
Just remember that ACKS are pretty useless and only add QRM to the channel. So do not expect ACKS via the satellite. If you see your outgoing packet digipeated by PCSAT-1 a few times then you should ASSUME that the other person got it and delete it yourself. By the same token, if someone sends you a message, then ANSWER him in kind, so that he knows you got it.
See web page PCSAT.APRS.ORG or Google for PCSAT.
De WB4APR, Bob US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 9:42 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] PCSAT-1 Recovery and OPS
Users please refrain from any packets TO or VIA W3ADO-1.
We are trying to recover PCSAT-1 (NO-44). We only have one
per day at a given lattitude and a given orbit when the sun angles are just perfect.. We were trying to recover today
would have been successful, but there were other signals on
air. These packets consumed all available power while we
trying to connnect the command link and made the link impossible.
We ask that ALL USERS not send any packets via the W3ADO-1 default callsign. This callsign means PCSAT-1 is in RESET condition and is power negative. If we can recover it this week, then PCSAT-1 will be useable for several weeks, but we only have a few day window during which this recovery is possible. This can only work if there is no contention on
Please do not use W3ADO-1 in any way until it has been receovered. If you see the callsign PCSAT-1, then you are welcome to use it. But until then, we need every single
worth of power to try to get in on the command link and get
set up for users.
So if it is using W3ADO-1, then that means it has not been
to low power mode and has not been receoverd. If it is
PCSAT-1, then that means we have turned it over to users.
I am glad to see users interested in using the bird. We are hopeful that we can recover it this week and then maybe get
few weeks of continuous use out of her. As always,
beacons are not welcome at this time.
See pcsat.aprs.org

If you are attended and you get more than 5 successes, cut your period (and change your posit text) to 5 minutes. The objective is to see how many people we can capture, not how many times you can get in!
If an attended station hears that their packet is digipeated by PCSAT-1, should we assume your goal is met and refrain from transmitting for the duration of that pass? Your comment "... more than 5 successes, cut your period..." implies that multiple position reports, from the same station, are desired.
Just checking to see if you want participants to get in and out to make room for others.
Randy - KI4LMR
From: [email protected] on behalf of Robert Bruninga Sent: Tue 9/26/2006 5:23 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Special Event Thursday Morn
PCSAT-1 Special Event
We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28 Sept at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA. This is normal APRS (or UI) digipeating via the digipeater callsign of PCSAT-1 (or VIA ARISS) on the Space APRS channel of 145.825. Our callsign is W3ADO-15. Here is what we would like to see:
1) Attended stations set APRS posit rate to 2 minutes (until successful) 2) Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes 3) Include in your POSIT text these items: a) ur name, TX power and ANT Gain b) some reference to this event (like GO Navy! Etc) c) Example might be: "Bob, 2 min, 5W, 3dBi omni ant, Beat Army"
With this info, my students will plot your APRS posit and can calculate the link equation for your station and we can see the statistics of how well weak as well as strong stations get in. Please adhere to your stated rate for the POSIT text. Our station, W3ADO-15 will QSL your packets.
If you are attended and you get more than 5 successes, cut your period (and change your posit text) to 5 minutes. The objective is to see how many people we can capture, not how many times you can get in!
If you are NOT running APRS, here is how to use ANY TNC to participate: 1) Set your UNPROTO to APRS VIA PCSAT-1 2) Set your Btext with GRID square "[FM19sx]Joe,5min,5W,8dBi ant,Hi mids!" 3) Set your BEACON to every 5 minutes.
Notice that the grid square must be 6 digits or some APRS will not decode them.
I hope we get plenty of participation. Of course, TOO MUCH participation coiuld kill it too. But we will see how it goes.
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Bruninga [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:00 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Recoverd!
PCSAT-1 has been recovered as it entered better sun angles.
PCSAT-1 should remain NORMAL OPS for the next few weeks until
experiences an overload and resets. Then we lose it till December. So we ask that all users please adhere to these fundamental principles:
- No unattended operations
- No connections to or through PCSAT-1
- UI digipeating and APRS packets only typically at 1 minute
rates or so 4) Watch pcsat.aprs.org for live activity 5) Use the path of VIA PCSAT-1 or VIA ARISS 6) Minimize all packets after dark!
Enjoy PCSAT-1 and APRS! Make contacts, QSO, enjoy!
Just remember that ACKS are pretty useless and only add QRM to the channel. So do not expect ACKS via the satellite. If you see your outgoing packet digipeated by PCSAT-1 a few times then you should ASSUME that the other person got it and delete it yourself. By the same token, if someone sends you a message, then ANSWER him in kind, so that he knows you got it.
See web page PCSAT.APRS.ORG or Google for PCSAT.
De WB4APR, Bob US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 9:42 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] PCSAT-1 Recovery and OPS
Users please refrain from any packets TO or VIA W3ADO-1.
We are trying to recover PCSAT-1 (NO-44). We only have one
per day at a given lattitude and a given orbit when the sun angles are just perfect.. We were trying to recover today
would have been successful, but there were other signals on
air. These packets consumed all available power while we
trying to connnect the command link and made the link impossible.
We ask that ALL USERS not send any packets via the W3ADO-1 default callsign. This callsign means PCSAT-1 is in RESET condition and is power negative. If we can recover it this week, then PCSAT-1 will be useable for several weeks, but we only have a few day window during which this recovery is possible. This can only work if there is no contention on
Please do not use W3ADO-1 in any way until it has been receovered. If you see the callsign PCSAT-1, then you are welcome to use it. But until then, we need every single
worth of power to try to get in on the command link and get
set up for users.
So if it is using W3ADO-1, then that means it has not been
to low power mode and has not been receoverd. If it is
PCSAT-1, then that means we have turned it over to users.
I am glad to see users interested in using the bird. We are hopeful that we can recover it this week and then maybe get
few weeks of continuous use out of her. As always,
beacons are not welcome at this time.
See pcsat.aprs.org
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

If you are attended and you get more than 5 successes, cut your period (and change your posit text) to 5 minutes. The objective is to see how many people we can capture, not how many times you can get in!
If an attended station hears that their packet is digipeated by PCSAT-1, should we assume your goal is met and refrain from transmitting for the duration of that pass?
I think it depends on the activity level. Like any APRS, the ALOHA channel optimum rate is 18% of Channel capacity. With 20 attended stations (2 min rate) and 50 unattended at 5 min Rate, that is one packet every 3 seconds which is about 30%. Which should be OK due to The redundant data.
If there is an overwhelming response, then yes, we would want people to cut off their beacons. But dropping to a 5 minute rate in the middle of the pass is about the Same thing, since there is only 5 minutes or so left.. If we all run steady state unattended at a 5 minute rate for the next 3 weeks of PCSAT-1 lifetime, then the channel should support up to 100 such stations per Footprint.
We are operating this event as a scale model of our next Amateur satellite which will be dedicated to un-attended Ocean and other environmental data sources and APRS Trackers and travelers in remote areas. So we welcome The unattended source at the 5 minute rate (NO LESS THO).
PCSAT-1 Special Event
We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28 Sept at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA. This is normal APRS (or UI) digipeating via the digipeater callsign of
(or VIA ARISS) on the Space APRS channel of 145.825. Our callsign is W3ADO-15. Here is what we would like to see:
- Attended stations set APRS posit rate to 2 minutes (until
successful) 2) Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes 3) Include in your POSIT text these items: a) ur name, TX power and ANT Gain b) some reference to this event (like GO Navy! Etc) c) Example might be: "Bob, 2 min, 5W, 3dBi omni ant, Beat Army"
With this info, my students will plot your APRS posit and can calculate the link equation for your station and we can see
statistics of how well weak as well as strong stations get in. Please adhere to your stated rate for the POSIT text. Our station, W3ADO-15 will QSL your packets.
If you are attended and you get more than 5 successes, cut
period (and change your posit text) to 5 minutes. The
is to see how many people we can capture, not how many times
can get in!
If you are NOT running APRS, here is how to use ANY TNC to participate:
- Set your Btext with GRID square "[FM19sx]Joe,5min,5W,8dBi
ant,Hi mids!" 3) Set your BEACON to every 5 minutes.
Notice that the grid square must be 6 digits or some APRS will not decode them.
I hope we get plenty of participation. Of course, TOO MUCH participation coiuld kill it too. But we will see how it
Thanks, WB4APR, Bob
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Bruninga [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:00 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Recoverd!
PCSAT-1 has been recovered as it entered better sun angles.
PCSAT-1 should remain NORMAL OPS for the next few weeks
experiences an overload and resets. Then we lose it till December. So we ask that all users please adhere to these fundamental principles:
- No unattended operations
- No connections to or through PCSAT-1
- UI digipeating and APRS packets only typically at 1
rates or so 4) Watch pcsat.aprs.org for live activity 5) Use the path of VIA PCSAT-1 or VIA ARISS 6) Minimize all packets after dark!
Enjoy PCSAT-1 and APRS! Make contacts, QSO, enjoy!
Just remember that ACKS are pretty useless and only add QRM
the channel. So do not expect ACKS via the satellite. If you see your outgoing packet digipeated by PCSAT-1 a few times then you should ASSUME that the other person got it and delete it yourself. By the same token, if someone sends you a
then ANSWER him in kind, so that he knows you got it.
See web page PCSAT.APRS.ORG or Google for PCSAT.
De WB4APR, Bob US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 9:42 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] PCSAT-1 Recovery and OPS
Users please refrain from any packets TO or VIA W3ADO-1.
We are trying to recover PCSAT-1 (NO-44). We only have
per day at a given lattitude and a given orbit when the
angles are just perfect.. We were trying to recover today
would have been successful, but there were other signals
air. These packets consumed all available power while we
trying to connnect the command link and made the link impossible.
We ask that ALL USERS not send any packets via the W3ADO-1 default callsign. This callsign means PCSAT-1 is in RESET condition and is power negative. If we can recover it
week, then PCSAT-1 will be useable for several weeks, but
only have a few day window during which this recovery is possible. This can only work if there is no contention on
Please do not use W3ADO-1 in any way until it has been receovered. If you see the callsign PCSAT-1, then you are welcome to use it. But until then, we need every single
worth of power to try to get in on the command link and
set up for users.
So if it is using W3ADO-1, then that means it has not been
to low power mode and has not been receoverd. If it is
PCSAT-1, then that means we have turned it over to users.
I am glad to see users interested in using the bird. We
hopeful that we can recover it this week and then maybe
few weeks of continuous use out of her. As always,
beacons are not welcome at this time.
See pcsat.aprs.org
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

PCSAT-1 Special Event (results)
Thanks to you guys that participated. You may continue to transmit unattended VIA PCSAT-1 as long as she stays up. The students were like "wow"... The posits below were shortened by cutting out the LAT/LONG but many show the statistics we were after.
We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28 Sept at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA....
- Attended stations set posit rate to 2 minutes
- Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes
- Include ur name, TX power and ANT Gain
RESULTS SUMMARY: Knowing the TX rate and EIRP, it is clear to See that even 5W HT's can get in with a J-pole (3dB)
2 minute rate stations 50W EIRP 5 hits 150W EIRP 8 hits 120W EIRP 4 hits 10W EIRP 3 hits
5 min rate stations 120W EIRP 2 hits end of pass 10W EIRP 3 hits 20W EIRP 1 hit
Unknown rates 50W EIRP 1 hit 40W EIRP 6 hits 90W EIRP 4 hits
Here is the raw data W/O LAT/LONG to fit:
1 VE3FFR =281329z- (UIV32N) 5 KC0RWZ-2 =281330z`Brian,2min,25w,3.7dBi,Hi Navy retired 2 W3ADO-6 @281330zK000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty.. 8 KB1GVR =281331z-2min 50W 5.5dBi omni. Nice work! 3 WA4AEJ =281331zyDale in Niceville, FL {UISS50} 4 W1CGA-1 =281331zK_2min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS 1 N9IDH-7 @281331z[000/000/TH-D7/M2/In Service 15N1XED =281331z-73, FROM RIK, FN44ch {UISS50} 4 VE2FDA =281332z-Francois, 45W, 3db,Go boys {UIV32N} 2 KI4LMR-3 @281332z>000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty../A=-00089 6 WA1KAT =281333z-Topsfield,MA 10W collinear 3 N1CLV-8 =281335zCWayne, 2 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG! 13W3ADO-15 /281335z->FM19sa/- unattended use 5 min rate. 3 N1CLV-8 =281336zCWayne, 5 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG! 2 N3ZLL-5 @281339zK000/000/D-700/C1/Custom 1 2 W1CGA-1 =281340zK_5min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS 1 KB2M-7 @281518zj000/000/D-700/M2/In Service/A=-00072 1 W4HFZ =281519z-Chas,25w,3db Omni,Subs Rule!{UIV32N} 1 W8AAS /281519z]Dave,5min,10W, J-pole ? N4ZQ-2 no posit

PCSAT-1 Special Ops continue.
We now welcome routine trackers and unattended beacons so that we can build up statistics on channel loading and the channel capacity of PCSAT-1 and it's follow-on spacecraft. We do want everyone to include basic info in their packet though. Please include PWR,Antenna Gain, and RATE. Such as "5W,3dbi,5min" so that the statistics will show us what works...
PCSAT-1 works like any APRS digipeater so the only thing you have to do, to work the satellite is to change your APRS (or packet station) channel to 145.825 instead of its normal frequency. When you get to work, QSY to 145.825 during the day, and when you get home. Its nice to look at your mobile radio and see who else you captured after work or overnight.
For unattended, set your beacon rate to once ever 5 minutes. If attended and monitoring the channel, you can use 2 minutes. You can see if you got in on http://pcsat.aprs.org . Watching the capacity of PCSAT-1 to carry these data will be usefull for gauging the success of our next satellite, ParkinsonSAT. See http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/buoy.html
PCSAT-1 responds to most common digipeating callsigns (below) so that no one should have to change anything when going between terrestrial or ISS operation to PCSAT-1, other than their frequency.
We saw 22 people yesterday on the East Coast and the web page above, is showing about 70 in the last 2 days. PCSAT-1 should be able to handle 100 or so per footprint PER PASS! So lets get the number of users up for the next 2 weeks of useful PCSAT-1 life.
Thanks! Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Bruninga [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:49 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Special Event Thursday Morn
PCSAT-1 Special Event (results)
Thanks to you guys that participated. You may continue to transmit unattended VIA PCSAT-1 as long as she stays up. The students were like "wow"... The posits below were shortened
cutting out the LAT/LONG but many show the statistics we were after.
We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28
at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA....
- Attended stations set posit rate to 2 minutes
- Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes
- Include ur name, TX power and ANT Gain
RESULTS SUMMARY: Knowing the TX rate and EIRP, it is clear to See that even 5W HT's can get in with a J-pole (3dB)
2 minute rate stations 50W EIRP 5 hits 150W EIRP 8 hits 120W EIRP 4 hits 10W EIRP 3 hits
5 min rate stations 120W EIRP 2 hits end of pass 10W EIRP 3 hits 20W EIRP 1 hit
Unknown rates 50W EIRP 1 hit 40W EIRP 6 hits 90W EIRP 4 hits
Here is the raw data W/O LAT/LONG to fit:
1 VE3FFR =281329z- (UIV32N) 5 KC0RWZ-2 =281330z`Brian,2min,25w,3.7dBi,Hi Navy retired 2 W3ADO-6 @281330zK000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty.. 8 KB1GVR =281331z-2min 50W 5.5dBi omni. Nice work! 3 WA4AEJ =281331zyDale in Niceville, FL {UISS50} 4 W1CGA-1 =281331zK_2min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS 1 N9IDH-7 @281331z[000/000/TH-D7/M2/In Service 15N1XED =281331z-73, FROM RIK, FN44ch {UISS50} 4 VE2FDA =281332z-Francois, 45W, 3db,Go boys {UIV32N} 2 KI4LMR-3 @281332z>000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty../A=-00089 6 WA1KAT =281333z-Topsfield,MA 10W collinear 3 N1CLV-8 =281335zCWayne, 2 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG! 13W3ADO-15 /281335z->FM19sa/- unattended use 5 min rate. 3 N1CLV-8 =281336zCWayne, 5 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG! 2 N3ZLL-5 @281339zK000/000/D-700/C1/Custom 1 2 W1CGA-1 =281340zK_5min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS 1 KB2M-7 @281518zj000/000/D-700/M2/In Service/A=-00072 1 W4HFZ =281519z-Chas,25w,3db Omni,Subs Rule!{UIV32N} 1 W8AAS /281519z]Dave,5min,10W, J-pole ? N4ZQ-2 no posit
participants (3)
Andrew Glasbrenner
Armour, Randy (ITS)
Robert Bruninga