Monsieur LeBlanc,
Here's my response to your baseless and (as usual) paranoid schizophrenic accusations:
1. "Lived in a free America..."
You don't. You live in Canada. Quebec, to be precise.
2. "... president Hambly and the BOD dont like to be disclose even the truth..."
On the contrary, I find that the Board of Directors has regularly been most truthful and forthcoming with information, especially when asked about it in a tactful and polite manner.
3. "Dont support an anti democratic organisation could be a general side service note to NASA and the US government will be a sound advice to give now."
No one ever said this was a democratic organization. On the contrary, this is a corporation. It is governed by a board of directors who are elected to guide the group to the betterment of the satellite community. Under the by-laws, the Directors are under no obligation to listen to any one individual, or even a particular group, other than the regular elections. I have found that the Directors have generally been most responsive to questions and suggestions when they are asked in an intelligent and polite manner.
4. "Have any suggestions i am now freely open...as AMSAT-NA IS ATTACKING MY RIGHTS."
You have no rights on this reflector. It is governed, supported, and operated by AMSAT. You HAD been granted the PRIVILEGE of posting here, until your abusive actions and postings generated such an outcry among the great majority of the group that your PRIVILEGE was revoked. Your right to say what you want has not been attacked, you can still say it. You just don't have the PRIVILEGE to abuse the assets of other people to make that statement. You want to post it to others? Fine! Get your own reflector.
5. "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
You've proved time and time again, that you have no class.
73 de N8AU, Jim in Raymore, MO
Light travels faster than sound... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
participants (1)
Reicher, James