Is it possible to us both SatPC32 & Dx Labs-Suite with IC910H ?

Before I give up and sell any Sat gear I have, I thought I'd ask if there is anyone USING an IC910H, SatPC32 and also reading/logging the UpLink and DownLink frequencies with DxLabs Commander.
For many. many months I have wasted countless hours trying to get that combination to work together.
SatPc32 with flawlessly control the rotors and the IC910H.
DxLabs Suite Commander will pretty-well control the IC910H.
If I try to use VSP Manager or Virtual Serial Port emulator to allow both controlling programs to use the IC910H, it simply will not function.
Thus if I want to work the Sats, after each QSO I have to write down the uplink and downlink QRG , times, and such, so I can later log the QSO by typing it into the computer.
It's a bit overwhelming to log when I often get a few calls for a semi-rare State, Kentucky.
I seriously could use some help to set these programs to make the IC910H play the game.
thanks (hopefully)
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