Re: Palm Springs Hamfest, Exploding Eggs, and SO-50

cable-ready analog cable tuner. If that ATV transmitter was on 434 MHz and close to the demonstration, could that have wiped out the 435-438 MHz satellite subband?
Yes! Almost every year at the Orlando Hamfest, one of the Red Cross vans is running ATV all day, and it destroys the satellite band. They will usually turn it off if I ask, since it isn't ever being actually used for something.
73, Drew KO4MA

Hi Drew!
cable-ready analog cable tuner. If that ATV transmitter was on 434 MHz and close to the demonstration, could that have wiped out the 435-438 MHz satellite subband?
Yes! Almost every year at the Orlando Hamfest, one of the Red Cross vans is running ATV all day, and it destroys the satellite band. They will usually turn it off if I ask, since it isn't ever being actually used for something.
Thanks for that. I saw some posts in the -BB archives about the issues with 434 MHz ATV and the 435-438 MHz satellite subband many years ago, but had never encountered it myself at a hamfest or when operating from anywhere else. After seeing Clint's demos last year at the same site, I knew that he should have been able to hit AO-27 from there.
I also forgot to mention I saw Christy KB6LTY at Palm Springs yesterday. I've worked her a few times on the satellites, including one occasion where she was with a group of Scouts and I was able to answer questions from a couple of them. You never know who you'll run into, especially at an out-of-state hamfest... (not that I can afford the time and $$$ to visit many out-of-state hamfests)
participants (2)
Andrew Glasbrenner