US launch vehicle history [was: Re: Godwin's law]
From: Patrick McGrane []
The US brought Werner Von Braun here to the US to design rockets which included the Atlas 5.
Check your history. Von Braun worked on Redstone and Jupiter/Jupiter-C, since he was working for the Army. The original Atlas was the work of Karel Jan Bossart (who came to the US from Belgium in 1930), and was a USAF project. Von Braun left the Army to work for NASA at Marshall in 1960, where he led the Saturn program.
Atlas 5 was a *much* more recent program, it even came after Atlas II. The first Atlas 5 flight was in 2002.
Folks who read all of the thread in question know who *actually* busted Godwin's Law first. :-)
-- 73 de Maggie K3XS Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb - Elecraft K2 #1641 -- AOPA 925383 -- ARRL 39280
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Margaret Leber