Thank you for all of the posts and emails regarding DXCC on the LEO's. But the credit really goes to all of the ops at the other end who were a part of those contacts.
It's not always easy to work the low passes on AO-7, especially when that satellite is not having a good day. Thanks to those who listened in the noise and met for skeds day after day until a contact was finally made. And thanks to those that traveled to other countries with their satellite equipment to activate a new one. Many of these were family vacations and sacrifices were made to accommodate sat activities. Some operations were from areas that were not always safe; places where you did not venture out after dark, for example. There is always a risk when traveling.
There are stories about many of the contacts, too many to detail. But the RI1F dxpedition to Viktoria Island in Franz Josef Land, Country Number 99, deserves mentioning. The team that traveled there in a small sailing vessel, spending days at sea, literally risked their lives to put that IOTA on the air. And the fact that they bothered to take EME/Satellite equipment with them, managing to work the birds from a most inhospitable island infested with polar bears and Walrus that viewed them as dinner is just amazing. In those situations you are on your own. Dialing 911 won't bring help. These are very brave operators!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this DXCC possible. 73, John K8YSE
John Papay john@papays.com
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participants (1)
John Papay