FoxTelem Bug Fix Release for HuskySat reception Version 1.08z3

I am releasing an update to FoxTelem 1.08 that fixes critical bugs in the reception of HuskySat data. Everyone receiving data from HuskySat should upgrade. Without this version your local data is not stored correctly (although the data sent to the server is fine).
This also fixes an issue with displaying graphs that have multiple variables when the "show sun" option is selected. HuskySat is almost continually in sun, so this feature is needed to analyze the heating and cooling. To "show sun" on a graph you need to enable "Fox Telem Calculates Positions" on the settings tab. Then check the box below the graph. It works best when the graph is "continuous". FoxTelem defaults to plotting the received chunks of data and not the empty spaces in between passes. Continuous will plot those empty spaces and allows sun/eclipse to be seen better, though this can be a difficult setting with home data, where you have such short chunks.
You can download the release here:
73 Chris
participants (1)
Chris Thompson