Just ordered a Comet CF-416A 2M/440 duplexer for use with my Elk antenna. Does anyone else use this duplexer? Reviews?
Loon W3MAT

I have not used that specific model of Comet duplexer, but have used the CF-4160 duplexers (SO-239 sockets all around, no coax leads coming from the duplexer's case). They work, the similar models from Diamond work, and even the MFJ-916 series work. I am currently using the MFJ-916B for my two-radio setups with my Elk antenna, and have had good luck with it. By the way, the MFJ duplexers are about half the price of the comparable units from Comet or Diamond - and the MFJ duplexers are made in the Far East, not Mississippi.
Good luck, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK
On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 5:25 AM, W3MAT . [email protected] wrote:
Just ordered a Comet CF-416A 2M/440 duplexer for use with my Elk antenna. Does anyone else use this duplexer? Reviews?
Loon W3MAT
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