FoxTelem maxFreqBoundkHz Parameter?

I have a spur that appears around 145.993 MHz, thanksfully higher than I've ever seen AO-85. With the default settings for Fox-1A, I will sometimes find that it has locked onto the spur and misses all telemetry decodes if i leave things unattended.
I went into the "FOX1A_fm.dat" file and saw that there was a parameter: maxFreqBoundkHz=145990
i changed that to be (and restarted the program): maxFreqBoundkHz=145985
I figured that with the spur now 8 KHz above the maximum frequency bound there is no way the program would find the spur and lock onto it. However, testing indicates that FoxTelem will still lock onto the spur despite a lower maxFreqBoundkHz setting.
Perhaps I misunderstand what that is used for, or perhaps it is not working as anticipated.
Any thoughts?
73, Bob, WB4SON
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