Re: [amsat-bb] youtube video(s) of prototype satellite tracker
Heh. It happens. We can just say you were in the weeds coding your Arudino and didn't have time for such trivial things as radio settings. ;-)
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Todd Deckard [email protected] wrote:
There you go! I learned something already. A bit chagrined that by the time this project is done they are going to take my Electrical Engineering degree away.
The little Baofeng is FM only. In fact I think I wasted no small amount of time flogging a homebrew Yagi from the Kent Britain article because of this critical misunderstanding.
Most of the energy up till now has been on the tracker and software -- but I am a bit embarrassed that your polite tip uncovered a technical gaff in my first experiments.
Doh! ( and Thanks) Todd
-----Original Message----- From: John Brier Sent: Dec 18, 2016 12:53 PM To: Todd Deckard Cc: AMSAT BB Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] youtube video(s) of prototype satellite tracker
Just skimmed through your videos. Looks cool.
The FO-29 pass, I could hear some voice, but it wasn't demodulated right. That might be because FO-29 is a linear satellite for SSB/CW, and that radio is FM only. I'm not sure though. Does it do SSB?
73, John Brier, KG4AKV
participants (1)
John Brier