AMSAT P4A: the worlds first ham radio transponders in geosynchronous orbit

It is now the second day of the ITU Symposium and Workshop on small satellite regulation and communication systems (Prague, Czech Republic, 2-4 March 2015).
The symposium is streamed live at:
Apparently this will only work with Windows Media Player. Todays lectures just started with SSTL.
There is a presentation at ~17:50 local time:
"Es’hail-2 Satellite AMSAT Payload"
The presentation schedule may be found here:
This presentation covers also frequencies, polarisation data and block diagrams of the implementation.
Maybe food for thought stateside, how something similar could be negotiated with the NA space industry ? With some clever planning, maybe even some continent hopping could be implemented ;-)
Symposium main page:
Michael, OH2AUE

"Maybe food for thought stateside, how something similar could be negotiated with the NA space industry ?"
I believe there was an offer some years back from Intelsat to fly an amateur payload on one of their geostationary satellites, but the ongoing costs were too high for AMSAT-NA to finance.
Unfortunately, no public corporation in the United States is going to donate extremely valuable surplus space and power on a geostationary satellite to the amateur radio community. In a country like Qatar, things like this may be done as a way of promoting national prestige, but to do something similar here, we'll have to figure out how to pay the bills.
Paul, N8HM
On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 3:21 AM, Michael Fletcher [email protected] wrote:
It is now the second day of the ITU Symposium and Workshop on small satellite regulation and communication systems (Prague, Czech Republic, 2-4 March 2015).
The symposium is streamed live at:
Apparently this will only work with Windows Media Player. Todays lectures just started with SSTL.
There is a presentation at ~17:50 local time:
"Es’hail-2 Satellite AMSAT Payload"
The presentation schedule may be found here:
This presentation covers also frequencies, polarisation data and block diagrams of the implementation.
Maybe food for thought stateside, how something similar could be negotiated with the NA space industry ? With some clever planning, maybe even some continent hopping could be implemented ;-)
Symposium main page:
Michael, OH2AUE
Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

Hi All,
As the weather hopefully turns warmer and better here in Chesapeake, VA K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club is trying to plan out 3 GOTA events on the Birds.
Home School Kids - KM4IBV and KM4IBW (any time) Great Bridge HS - W4GBH (1330 - 1530 UTC week days) Chesapeake Center for Science and Technology - W4FOS (1730 - 2030 UTC)
I can not predict days becuase of school specail test schedules. We need at least 12 degrees elevations to assure AOS.
I need to project orbits of: ISS FO29 AO73 SO50
from mid March - early June.
A portion of one the days may be used at the Dayton Youth Forum by KM4IBV age 10 and KM4IBW age 12 (both Generals)
If you want to show up in person and help that would be great. Let me know!
Can some one help us with these advance preditions.
Thank you and God Bless.
Rich W4BUE Pres K4AMG
PS The Virginia QSO Party March 21 -22 allows SAT QSOs.

On 3/3/2015 06:58, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
"Maybe food for thought stateside, how something similar could be negotiated with the NA space industry ?"
I believe there was an offer some years back from Intelsat to fly an amateur payload on one of their geostationary satellites, but the ongoing costs were too high for AMSAT-NA to finance.
Unfortunately, no public corporation in the United States is going to donate extremely valuable surplus space and power on a geostationary satellite to the amateur radio community. In a country like Qatar, things like this may be done as a way of promoting national prestige, but to do something similar here, we'll have to figure out how to pay the bills.
Not to say that we aren't always looking and trying. Suggestions are always welcome! The AMSAT-NA leadership and some members and former directors/officers spend a lot of time trying to find ways for us to get to orbit be it Tony petitioning NASA to allow non-profits to participate in CSLI/ELaNa, Drew coming up with the Spaceflight launch opportunity, myself discussing disposal orbits with the launch folks at the Fox-1 MRR. And I know there are more that are going on but usually nothing is said to the team unless someone gets a nibble, and then not to the public until we have something on the hook because nobody likes vaporware. So like much of our engineering stuff, silence does not imply that nothing is happening.
Jerry Buxton, NØJY
participants (4)
Jerry Buxton
Michael Fletcher
Paul Stoetzer