50 Students of Rajkot India enjoyed SSTV Live Demo during Visible pass of ISS

To spread awareness of Amateur Radio, Satellites & ARISS activities in the region we conducted interesting event recently.
On 12th April 2019 we openly invited students & citizen of Rajkot - Gujarat to be present & witness SSTV Live Demonstration, that too during Visible pass of ISS from terrace of my home.
More than 50 students & citizens assembled to my QTH by 18:30 IST (13:00z). We gave printed ISS tracking chart/ISS crew details to all of them, and explained how to use chart.
Myself Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP gave brief talk on Amateur Radio, ISS, OSCAR Satellites, Life of Astronauts, ARISS SSTV event, Student Outreach Program etc for one hour. Small display of radio stuff were also kept. Everybody get excited to learn such new things (for them) happening in Ham Radio world.
Good Visible ISS Pass of -3.0 magnitude with elevation of 36° was targeted for Live Demo, calculated for my Grid ML52jh.
With my 3 ele Yagi, VHF HT & recording device we started to track ISS at 19:27 IST (13:57z). Within a minute ISS started to appear from NNW direction moving towards SE. Students were requested to control their excitement & to keep silence as we were also recording audio. Soon sstv signal also get heard on 145.800 MHz. SSTV signal for two images were received & recorded.
It was exciting experience for all to sighting ISS at the same time getting signals from it, felt like having handshake with ISS crew! After pass, we amplified weak audio in Audacity & decoded two images (though bit noisy) with MMSSTV. Decoded Images were shared with all students as souvenir. It proved great learning experience for all. Had lots of Q&A till late and enjoyed light refreshments at end of the program.
As everything was arranged at our home I need to thanks my XYL Kiran, harmonic Snehal VU3WHO, brother Prakash VU3PLJ & nephew Priyesh VU3GLY for extending helping hands.
Btw, leading newspaper Divyabhakshar supported this radio experiment & published good articles (though in regional language Gujarati), pse find it's link below.
I am thankful to all hams and members of ARISS, AMSAT, ISS Crew, Space agencies, SSTV Award Manager etc involved in such a wonderful educational event offered to the world!
Thanks & 73's Rajesh P Vagadia VU2EXP Rajkot - Gujarat (India) Regional Coordinator West India Zone AMSAT-INDIA M: 9898283916 E: [email protected] www.qrz.com/db/vu2exp
participants (1)
Rajesh Vagadia - VU2EXP