Richard Garriott Update Oct 9, 2008

The ARISS team has a lot of exciting activities planned for the next few weeks, including the flight of Soyuz 17S to space station with Richard Garriott, W5KWQ and Mike Fincke, KE5AIT on-board. The following represents some new information and capabilities that we are rolling out to the community to prepare for Richard's and Mike's flight. Please go to,, and for real-time information updates.
73, Frank Bauer, KA3HDO AMSAT-NA V.P. for Human Spaceflight Programs ARISS International Chairman
The ARISS SSTV team announces the new ARISS SSTV Web Gallery and Blog.
A website has been established to enable amateur radio operators to share their pictures received from the International Space Station's SSTV system. People wishing to view photos captured from the ISS or upload their own captured pictures can go to There is also a blog in which the ARISS SSTV Team will post announcements and additional information about the project. The blog can be viewed at
To prepare for the upcoming SSTV operations, you are welcome to "try out" the new Web Gallery by posting past SSTV images (on-orbit and terrestrial). These will be deleted prior to the ARISS SSTV events that are planned for this weekend and during ISS Expedition 17 and Richard Garriott's flight (see below).
ISS SSTV Operations Planned for October 12
The ARISS team received word from ARISS Russia delegate Sergey Samburov, RV3DR, that the current ISS crew expect to transmit SSTV on October 12 from 18:00-21:00 UTC. This is your opportunity to test out your SSTV reception capability and to post images on the ARISS SSTV Gallery. The planned downlink for this operation will be 145.80 MHz with Robot 36 as the expected SSTV mode of operation.
AO-51 Special SSTV Mode
Thanks to Drew, KO4MA, AMSAT-NA VP for Operations, this weekend AO-51 will operate in a special mode in anticipation of Richard Garriott's visit to the ISS. Richard's launch is currently scheduled for October 12th, with docking at the ISS on the 14th. Richard plans on being very active from the ISS ham station, including extensive operation with Slow Scan Television (SSTV).
In preparation for this event, AO-51 will be configured with dual repeaters for the weekend of October 11th and 12th. The primary repeater on AO-51 will be configured with an uplink on 1268.700 FM and downlink of 435.300 FM, and will be designated for this period as an SSTV repeater. Users are encouraged to exchange SSTV images in ROBOT 36 mode, as an opportunity for others to practice receiving SSTV images from space before the ISS activity. Please keep the images transmitted to space-related themes, and to the ROBOT 36 mode. Polite and courteous operation among those sharing the uplink is crucial to the success of this mode.
Concurrently, there will be a QRP voice repeater running on 145.880 FM uplink and 435.150 FM downlink. Users are asked to use 10 watts or less, and omnidirectional or handheld antennas only.
Good luck receiving SSTV images this weekend, and from the ISS during Richard Garriott's flight.
Richard Garriott Operations
As stated previously, Richard plans to perform several school contacts and downlink SSTV images during his flight. He also plans to contact the general ham community in his free time and perform random scout contacts during Jamboree on the Air. SSTV downlinks are planned on 145.80. SSTV uplinks are not currently planned. The standard general contact frequencies will be used to support the Jamboree on the Air and general QSO passes.
So that you are not calling CQ for naught, Richard's school contacts, thanks to Will Marchant, KC6ROL, Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, and Sergey Samburov, RV3DR, are tentatively scheduled as follows:
Challenger Learning Center Combined Contact #1, telebridge via W6SRJ; on Thu 2008-10-16 16:39 UTC Howard B. Owens Science Center's Challenger Center (Lanham, MD) Challenger Learning Center of Columbia (Columbia, SC) Verizon Challenger Learning Center at MOSI (Tampa, FL) Brownsburg Challenger Learning Center (Brownsburg, IN)
Budbrooke Primary School, Warwick, England, direct via GB4OBS Fri 2008-10-17 11:05 UTC
Challenger Learning Center Combined Contact #2, telebridge via W6SRJ; on Fri 2008-10-17 15:30 UTC Indianapolis Challenger Learning Center (Indianapolis, IN) Challenger Learning Center at Paducah (Paducah, KY) Challenger Learning Center St. Louis (St. Louis, MO)
Austin Liberal Arts and Sciences Academy, Austin, TX, direct via K5LBJ Sun 2008-10-19 13:14 UTC
Pinehurst School, Ashland, Oregon, telebridge via W6SRJ Mon 2008-10-20 15:13 UTC
National Planetarium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, direct via 9M2RPN Tues 2008-10-21 08:30 UTC

ISS SSTV Operations Planned for October 12 from 18:00-21:00 UTC. This is your opportunity...
Due to hightened interest to the general Ham radio community for this mission, I again suggest that all Shuttle Audio Retransmission Faclities consider adding an old TNC and 144.39MHz APRS beacon to their system. This TNC will alert all surrounding mobiles (with APRS display radios D7, D700, D710, VX8R, HAMHUD's, etc) that the retransmission is on the air and what frequency to tune.
Just load the correct beacon text, set the rate to 1 minute and connect the TNC's XCD (external carrier detect) to the re-trans PTT line, then whenever the re-trans is on the air, then a 1 minute announcement beacon will show up on all surrounding radios.
You may have to invert the sense of the XCD line. Here is a web page on this APRS local alert system:
I appologize for repeating myself, but no sense in adding this system after the Shuttle is back on the ground! Now's the time!
Here Is how it can look on the front panel of an APRS radio to mobiles in the area:
+------------+ | 147.45NAN | | SAREX ReTX | | SSTV ops | | Goddard | +------------+
Where 147.45NAN is the retrans freq for the WA3NAN radio club at NASA Goddard, for example.
A nice reminder that HAM Radio is again active in SPACE!
Bob, Wb4APR
participants (2)
Frank H. Bauer
Robert Bruninga