Re: DO-64 software support for PSK-1(T) hardware?

Hi Greg,
actually, when we developed RASCAL, we had PSK-1 (or another KISS TNC that could do PSK) support in mind. However, PSK TNC's such as the PSK-1 have become a scarce item:) Furthermore, COM port access in JAVA can be tricky sometimes, especially when you want to preserve the cross platform capability. In the meantime, I had started work on a 1200bd BPSK soundcard demod in JAVA (contrary to the PSK-1, PC's with soundcards are abundant in today's ham shacks hi). The Warbler software was my first try at this. In the end we decided to integrate this demod with RASCAL and abandon the KISS TNC support in favour of the soundcard solution. So, unfortunately, KISS TNC support is not included in RASCAL.
73 on behalf of the DO-64 / Delfi-C3 team,
Wouter Jan PE4WJ
participants (1)
Wouter Jan Ubbels