which is best software for DOPPLER in an FT-847

which is best software for DOPPLER in an FT-847
just look for software that is 847 layers of schedule when a satellite pass and that he order the radio frequency that is due to schedule
tested with HRD but every time something happens oneself must change frequently in the software Some friends that I can made a hand in this issue
Greetings Raul
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HRD is a great program, though the Doppler correction is not quite right. Also, at some time the FT-847 support got broken. Simon is aware of both these issues, and is doing a full update to make the satellite tracking function a separate program. So don't count HRD out yet. It should be an excellent program.
For now, take a look at SATPC32 here: http://www.dk1tb.de/indexeng.htm Erich has developed the program over the years which handles the FT-847 very well. Once you set it up, it makes operating almost as easy as HF. Almost. Hi Hi! The Doppler correction is very good. With fresh Keps and an accurate computer clock, it easily handles the AO-51 mode S downlink, which has a large and rapidly changing Doppler shift. You can download a fully functional evaluation copy, and give it a try. There are many here who use it and can answer your questions. While not free, it is not expensive, and the registration fee goes directly to AMSAT to support the ongoing and future operations.

At 01:21 PM 8/2/2008, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
HRD is a great program, though the Doppler correction is not quite right. Also, at some time the FT-847 support got broken. Simon is aware of both these issues, and is doing a full update to make the satellite tracking function a separate program. So don't count HRD out yet. It should be an excellent program.
For now, take a look at SATPC32 here: http://www.dk1tb.de/indexeng.htm Erich has developed the program over the years which handles the FT-847 very well. Once you set it up, it makes operating almost as easy as HF. Almost. Hi Hi! The Doppler correction is very good. With fresh Keps and an accurate computer clock, it easily handles the AO-51 mode S downlink, which has a large and rapidly changing Doppler shift. You can download a fully functional evaluation copy, and give it a try. There are many here who use it and can answer your questions. While not free, it is not expensive, and the registration fee goes directly to AMSAT to support the ongoing and future operations.
Having used NOVA for years and manually tracking/tuning, I decided to purchase SATPC32 at the AMSAT Booth at the ARRL Convention in Anchorage this last weekend. I have both a FT-847 and a FT-817, which I understand will tune with SATPC32. Once I get it operational, I will post a report here on the -bb and have a detailed article on getting going with these two radios on my webpage: http://www.kl7uw.com/sat.htm
***************************************************** 73, Ed - KL7UW BP40iq, 6m - 3cm 144-EME: FT-847, mgf-1801, 4x-xp20, 185w http://www.kl7uw.com AK VHF-Up Group NA Rep. for DUBUS: [email protected] *****************************************************

FWIW some screenshots here: http://www.ham-radio-deluxe.com/Programs/HRDSatelliteTracking/tabid/97/Defau...
TS-2000 working, FT-847 sitting on the table behind me.
EME system: http://www.radiosky.ch/home.php
Simon Brown, HB9DRV
At 01:21 PM 8/2/2008, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
Also, at some time the FT-847 support got broken. Simon is aware of both these issues, and is doing a full update to make the satellite tracking function a separate program. So don't count HRD out yet. It should be an excellent program.
participants (4)
Alan P. Biddle
Edward Cole
Raul Romero CA3SOC
Simon Brown (HB9DRV)