BIRDS Project Newsletter Issue No.17 (26 June, 2017) shows the BIRDS-1 satellites deployment from ISS is set 7 July, 2017. The sked is followings.
time satellites location #1 0900z BIRD-J, BIRD-G, BIRD-M over Fance #2 0930z BIRD-N, BIRD-B over the south Indian ocean
BIRD-B (BRAC Onnesha) :Bangladesh BIRD-G (GhanaSat-1, ANUSAT-1) :Ghana BIRD-J (Toki) :Japan BIRD-M (Mazaalai, NUMSAT-1) :Mongolia BIRD-N (EduSat-1) :Nigeria
Live broadcast of the deployment is planed by JAXA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP5YZi5usHc
QSL is issued for reception report. Please check the BIRDS web site. http://birds.ele.kyutech.ac.jp/amateur.html
BIRDS Project Newsletter Issue No.17 http://birds.ele.kyutech.ac.jp/files/BIRDS_Newsletter_Issue_No_17.pdf
Masa JN1GKZ Tokyo Japan
participants (1)
Masahiro Arai