Fwd: HAMSAT - Feedback from Users - Reg.

Dear friends, I am herewith enclosing the mail received from Shri. T. Parimalarangan, HAMSAT Operations Director, ISRO Tracking, Ranging and Command Centre (ISTRAC), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Bangalore.
On his behalf, I kindly request all the HAMSAT VO-52 users across the globe to send in their valuable (4 points as mentioned below) feed back as requested by HAMSAT Ops Dir. The feed backs can be sent directly to him at: [email protected] and a copy to me at: [email protected]
On this 6th anniversary of HAMSAT VO-52, we thank all the users who have provided us their feed back last year. All the feed backs have been complied and presented to the HAMSAT Mission Management Board and for the records. The MMB has expressed it happiness looking at the quantity and quality of feed backs received from various parts of the Globe.
We are very hopeful, that we would be getting a good response this year as well and many more years to come. Thanks in advance.
with regards
Mani, VU2WMY Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre HAL Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017. Phone:(O)91-80-25082054/2598/2192 Mobile: 91-80-98803 41456 E-mail ID: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
----- Forwarded message from [email protected] ----- Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 16:08:26 +0000 From: T PARIMALA RANGAN [email protected] Subject: HAMSAT - Feedback from Users - Reg. To: "[email protected]" [email protected] Cc: T PARIMALA RANGAN [email protected]
Dear Mr. B A Subramani,
Greetings from HAMSAT OPS.
This is to bring to your kind attention that HAMSAT has completed 6 years of space based services on 5-5-2011 and going strong. Believe, this bird continue to be the pet of HAMs.
To commemorate this event, we are generating a HAMSAT Performance Report and naturally, it will not be complete without the feedback from the User Community.
Hence, may I request your goodself to forward this mail to all our HAM friends in India and abroad and request to send their feedback at the earliest (may be in a couple of days):
1 Qualitative / quantitative performance report
2 Observation on the quality of services from the launch, till date (trend of the onboard behaviour as seen from the ground)
3 Comparison with its contemporaries
4 Positive / negative aspects of HAMSAT
HAMSAT continue to be monitored by ISTRAC and good health ensured.
Convey my regards to all in our HAM Community.
With Best Regards,
Ph: 080 - 2202 9011 (O) 080 - 2535 0132 (R) 0 - 9480333563 (M) 080 - 2202 9062 (fax)
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