Can someone please calculate for me a set of "dummy" geostationary keps for my location PF95GD
I need the satellite to be at azimuth 180 deg and elevation 90 deg
I have tried several attempts and cannot get it precise :(

El 19/11/17 a las 10:39, Joe Pereira escribió:
Hi Joe,
This is impossible. Elevation 90º would only be possible for a station right on the equator. At your latitude (-34.875) the maximum elevation you can get from a geostationary satellite is 55.125º, and the azimuth for that elevation would be 0º.

Thanks for your reply Dani, I need it above my QTH not on the equator.
I would have thought a geo sat can be positioned anywhere above the earth, or am I wrong ?
On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 8:41 PM, Dani EA4GPZ daniel@destevez.net wrote:

Geostationary satellites are only positioned on the equator (but may be at any longitude)
73, Gabe AL6D/VE6NJH
On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 1:23 AM, Joe Pereira joevk5ei@gmail.com wrote:
participants (3)
Gabriel Zeifman
Joe Pereira