Road trip to FN56, FN57, FN66, FN67, etc.

While visiting Massachusetts from October 15th to 20th, I plan to make a side-trip to Maine for the express purpose of working from some rare grid squares.
The "big unknown" right now is if the Maine weather will permit this. "Permit" means no rain, no snow, and temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, there's a "Plan A" and a "Plan B".
Plan A is to leave for northern Maine on Saturday October 17th, come back on Sunday the 18th, and work from FN53, FN56, FN57, FN66, and FN67.
Otherwise, Plan B is to leave for west-central Maine on October 17th, come back on the 18th, and work from FN53, FN45, and FN55.
For additional flexibility, if the weather looks better for Monday October 19th, either plan could shift to the 18th and 19th.
Since I'm attempting so many grid squares in such a short time, I'll be looking at working just about every favorable satellite pass on all available satellites, AO-27, SO-50, AO-51, and VO-52.
Just before leaving for Massachusetts, I'll get a more accurate picture of the upcoming Maine weather, decide what I'm going to do, and post a specific schedule.
73, Richard, N2SPI
participants (1)
Richard Crow